BCUCC News for Sunday, September 2, 2018

News and Upcoming Events

  • Saturday Sept. 1: YAYA’s Bubble Run. Some crazy fun! Talk to Bryan Wake for details.
  • Sunday September 2: Potluck after worship. Bring a dish to share and enjoy the company.  First Food Sunday!  Bring food to worship for Brea residents in need. Typically needed to supplement bulk food supplies: canned fruit, healthy lunch snacks, jams and jellies, oatmeal, easy-open foods for people without kitchen access. 

  • Sunday September 2: Theme: Ethics: Fences and Beacons.  Scripture: Mark 10:2-16.
  • Low Impact Cardio class 6:45pm-7:15pm; Martial Arts class 7:30pm-9pm. Wear tennis shoes and comfortable workout clothes! Free to church members!
  • Thursday Sept. 6: Bible Study is Thursdays 9:15-10:15am in the church office. Starting the Gospel of John 6 – a great time to join! All are welcome, to discover the intersection of sacred story and modern life with an open mind
  • Thursday Sept. 6: Tai Chi, 6:30-7:15pm pm in the sanctuary.
  • Thursday Sept. 6: “Art and Soul” 2-4pm in the Hall. Back by popular demand!  A little spirituality, a little conversation, and a lot of space to create; no skill necessary.  Bring your favorite art or craft project, extra supplies if you want to share, or borrow ours.  We will have coloring and doodling as prayer.  Last time we also had origami and collage… join us!
  • Saturday September 15: Please join us for Inner-Coastal Cleanup, 8-10am. KEEPING OUR WATERWAYS CLEAN: When the rainy season begins, much of the plastic and other debris in and around our drain channels gets washed out to sea. We can help prevent this. We’ll join others in Brea to help clear trash from the area next to the westernmost parking structure on Birch Street in Downtown Brea. For more information, contact Dennis Arp: dennisansellarp@gmail.comor 714-747-0206.


  • TheBCUCC Theological Book Club will be reading, Days of Awe and Wonder: How to be a Christian in the 21st Century, by Marcus J. Borg.  “God, the sacred, pervades all that is, even though we do not often see it.  But there are moments in which our eyes are opened, and we see the glory.”  Come join us in discovery.  We will meet Wednesday, Sept. 12th, at 7pm to discuss Chapters 1-8, and on October 17th to discuss Chapters 9-16.  Light refreshments are served, and fun and discovery are enjoyed by all.  For more information, call Jim or Karen Hill at 714-693-0261 or email to jandkhill@mac.com.

  • Thursdays 6:30- Tai Chi with Karen Hill – a gentle and meditative movement. We meet in the sanctuary.  Continues through September, except September 13. 


Care Note:  Bill Goetsch has returned home on hospice care.  Please keep him and his daughters in your prayers.


Search Committee Progress and Plans

Your search committee has met with conference Pastor Felix Villanueva again regarding the process of reviewing resumes, interviewing potential candidates, and selecting a candidate for church approval. This week we will review 11 potential candidates.  Although confidentiality of these candidates prevents us from revealing any details about them, we do intend to let you know where we are in the process, and the number of candidates under consideration.  For candidates that we believe are a good fit for our church, the process involves a first interview, a second interview, and perhaps a third.  We will then conduct a confidential neutral pulpit visit.  After a successful neutral pulpit visit, we will negotiate a contract and host a candidate weekend where you will have chances to meet, greet, hear preaching, and ask questions with the selected candidate.  Then we will have a congregational meeting without the candidate where you can ask questions of the search committee and vote on our proposed candidate and contract.  As always during this process, we appreciate your prayers for God’s guidance throughout this search.


Members of the Search Committee are:

Shannon Clay                Kathryn Kadletz

Randy Fowler                Russell Nowell

Karen Hill                     David This

Georlyn Igma