BCUCC News for Sunday, March 24, 2019

News and Upcoming Events

·         Sunday, March 24:  Worship at 10am features Hawaiian Children’s Chorus .  The Keiki Choir from Kamehameha Schools, 45 3-5th graders, will grace our worship with songs in Hawaiian and English.  Worship theme:  “Ways to Pray.”  Scripture: John 7:37-39Luke 11:9-13.  

·         Sunday, March 31: One Great Hour of Sharing. OGHS donations go to Church World Service for emergency relief and humanitarian projects all over the world.  We in the UCC join other mainline churches to support this charity that is known for rapid emergency response, very low overhead, and respect and empowerment of the people it serves.

·         Sunday April 7: Celebration of Becoming a Creation Justice Church.  Themed potluck: “Going Green!”  Bring dishes with the color green in them.  All-church photo with our new Creation Justice Banner, and celebration of stepson our green journey.  (And collection of nonperishable food for First Food Sunday, of course!

·         Sunday April 14 : Palm Sunday, and Rededication of our Native Garden.  Thanks to those who helped refresh our Native Garden in the past few months!  We will have a short liturgy.

·         Save the date:  special Good Friday worship April 19, 7:30 pm.


·         Tai Chi Thursdays at 6:30pm in the Sanctuary – next session 3/28.

·         Bible Study is on Thursdays at 2-3pm.  Join us in the pastor’s office; you are always welcome.  We are studying the Gospel of John.  Lively discussion about what scripture means to us today. No homework! 

·         Choir practice Thursdays at 7:30pm.  Like to sing but not sure you’re ready for prime time?  Jessica Cosley is a fabulous teacher and our choir is a great place to grow musically. Join us! 

·         The BCUCC Theological Book Club will be reading, Making a Way Out of No Wayby Monica A. Coleman. Coleman articulates the African American expression of “making a way out of no way” in today’s context of globalization, religious pluralism, and sexual diversity.  Drawing on womanist religious scholarship and process thought, Coleman describes the symbiotic relationship between God and humanity that helps to change the world into the just society it ought to be.  Come join the discussion on Wednesday, April 10 at 7:00 p.m. at the Hill household.  Please email or phone Jim or Karen for directions at jandkhill@mac.com or 714-693-0261.  See you then.

·         Request your electronic copy of our updated Church Directory (and automatically receive future directories) by signing up on the clipboard in the Hall or emailing Kimly at uccbrea@gmail.com.  Ask Terry for a paper copy if you need it.

·         Is your birthday on our list?  If not, please let Kimly know by email or phone, and she’ll add it.

·         Our California Native garden will be part of  “California in My Garden”, the OC California Native Plant Society garden tour, Saturday April 13, 10-4.  To register for this free garden tour and receive the guide by mail, see occnps.org.

Our church is discussing a resolution to the UCC General Synod in support of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act, HR763.  This is a game-changer.  Let’s learn about it now so we know what we are being asked to support.  Here’s some info:

Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness;

for we do not know how to pray as we ought,

but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words.

– Romans 8:26

BCUCC News for Sunday, March 17, 2019

News and Upcoming Events

·         Sat. March 16: CCL Sustainability Fair, 10am-5pm. Be sure to join us and invite your friends and neighbors.  Speakers from all over California at BCUCC!

·         Sun. March 17: Worship at 10am.  Second Sunday of Lent.  Our Lent theme is “Cultivating.”  This week: “Cultivating Trust.”  Scripture: Luke 12:22-32.

·         Sun. March 17 at 11:30 in the Church Office: An Experience of Contemplative Silence.  Sample a short (30 min.) experiential introduction to a Christian form of meditation developed by Thomas Keating.  Get refreshed and renewed.  You are NOT too busy for this! Joe Conti, Ph.D., author of Holistic Christianity (Paragon Press, 2007) and instructor in the Religious Studies Department at CSUF, will facilitate a guided meditation to interior silence.  This discovery of this silence has changed lives, expanded spiritual horizons.   Many experience it as a breakthrough to the “Inner Christ”— an indelible discovery of the oneness of the soul and God.  
        “The most powerful prayer….is the outcome of a quiet mind. The quieter the mind, the more powerful, the worthier, the deeper, the more telling and more perfect the prayer is. To the quiet mind all things are possible.”  ~ Meister Eckhart

·         Sunday, March 24:  Hawaiian Children’s Chorus in worship.  The Keiki Choir from Kamehameha Schools, 45 3-5th graders, will grace our worship with songs in Hawaiian and English.  We will take a group photo with them and our new Creation Justice banner after worship. 

·         Sunday, March 31: One Great Hour of Sharing. OGHS donations go to Church World Service for emergency relief and humanitarian projects all over the world.  We in the UCC join other mainline churches to support this charity that is known for rapid emergency response, very low overhead, and respect and empowerment of the people it serves.

·         Save the date:  special Good Friday worship April 19, 7:30 pm.


·         Tai Chi Thursdays at 6:30pm in the Sanctuary – next session 3/28.

·         Bible Study is on Thursdays at 2-3pm.  Join us in the pastor’s office; you are always welcome.  We are studying the Gospel of John.  Lively discussion about what scripture means to us today. No homework! 

·         Choir practice Thursdays at 7:30pm.  Like to sing but not sure you’re ready for prime time?  Jessica Cosley is a fabulous teacher and our choir is a great place to grow musically. Join us! 

·          The BCUCC Theological Book Club will be reading, Making a Way Out of No Way, by Monica A. Coleman. Coleman articulates the African American expression of “making a way out of no way” in today’s context of globalization, religious pluralism, and sexual diversity.  Drawing on womanist religious scholarship and process thought, Coleman describes the symbiotic relationship between God and humanity that helps to change the world into the just society it ought to be.  Come join the discussion on Wednesday, April 10 at 7:00 p.m. at the Hill household.  Please email or phone Jim or Karen for directions at jandkhill@mac.com or 714-693-0261.  See you then.

·         Request your electronic copy of our updated Church Directory (and automatically receive future directories) by signing up on the clipboard in the Hall or emailing Kimly at uccbrea@gmail.com.  Ask Terry for a paper copy if you need it.

Is your birthday on our list?  If not, please let Kimly know by email or phone, and she’ll add it.

Walk around feeling like a leaf.
Know you could tumble any second.
Then decide what to do with your time.

-John O’Donohue, Walking in Wonder

BCUCC News for Sunday, March 10, 2019

News and Upcoming Events

  •  **Daylight Savings Time starts March 10.  Spring forward, rise early, and join us for Worship at 10am. Our First Sunday of Lent.  Our Lent theme is “Cultivating.”  This week:  “Cultivating:  Rooted in God.”  Scripture: Psalm 65.
  • Sun. March 10, 11:30 am.  Art & Soul.  Wire wrap shamrock jewelry in time for St. Patrick’s Day!  Janine Arp shares her expertise with us.  Community members and friends welcome too.

  • Sat. March 16: CCL Sustainability Fair, 10am-4pm. be sure to join us and invite your friends and neighbors.  Speakers from all over California at BCUCC!

  • Sun. March 17 at 11:30 in the Church Office: An Experience of Contemplative Silence.  Sample a short (30 min.) experiential introduction to a Christian form of meditation developed by Thomas Keating.  Get refreshed and renewed.  You are NOT too busy for this! Joe Conti, Ph.D., author of Holistic Christianity (Paragon Press, 2007) and instructor in the Religious Studies Department at CSUF, will facilitate a guided meditation to interior silence.  This discovery of this silence has changed lives, expanded spiritual horizons.   Many experience it as a breakthrough to the “Inner Christ”— an indelible discovery of the oneness of the soul and God.
    “The most powerful prayer….is the outcome of a quiet mind. The quieter the mind, the more powerful, the worthier, the deeper, the more telling and more perfect the prayer is. To the quiet mind all things are possible.”  ~ Meister Eckhart
  • Sunday, March 31: One Great Hour of Sharing. OGHS donations go to Church World Service for emergency relief and humanitarian projects all over the world.  We in the UCC join other mainline churches to support this charity that is known for rapid emergency response, very low overhead, and respect and empowerment of the people it serves.



  • Tai Chi Thursdays at 6:30pm in the Sanctuary – next sessions 3/14, 3/28.
  • Bible Study is on Thursdays at 2-3pm.  Join us in the pastor’s office; you are always welcome.  We are studying the Gospel of John.  Lively discussion about what scripture means to us today. No homework! 

  • Choir practice Thursdays at 7:30pm.  Like to sing but not sure you’re ready for prime time?  Jessica Cosley is a fabulous teacher and our choir is a great place to grow musically. Join us!
  • The BCUCC Theological Book Club will be discussing, “The Cross and the Lynching Tree,” by James H. Cone, on Wednesday, March 13th at 7:00pm at the Hill household.  Mr. Cone writes about the complicity of Christians in the evil, yet common, practice of murdering African Americans as a means of social and political control.  As he discusses the contemporaneous and historical racism in America, he helps us confront the dark truths of our past so that we can create a future that is brighter for all people.  Come join the discussion.  Email or phone Jim and Karen Hill for directions at jandkhill@mac.com or 714-693-0261.
  • Compassionate Communication consults available.  Do you have a situation where you’re not sure how to express yourself compassionately and be heard?  Trying to work through a difficult relationship and stay connected?  Contact Pastor Terry to schedule a conversation/consult in person or by phone. (Classes are dark for March and April.)
  • Request your electronic copy of our updated Church Directory (and automatically receive future directories) by signing up on the clipboard in the Hall or emailing Kimly at uccbrea@gmail.com.  Ask Terry for a paper copy if you need it.

Is your birthday on our list?  If not, please let Kimly know by email or phone, and she’ll add it.

BCUCC News for Sunday, March 3, 2019

News and Upcoming Events

  •  Saturday March 2, 11am-1pm: Teach-in on Racism: “Orange County Unmasked”, led by Mike Rodriguez. The session will explore regrettable chapters in the county’s racial history, including the Ku Klux Klan presence and “sundown” racial policies early in the 19th century. Through historic awareness, we can build a more positive future.
  • Sunday March 3: Worship at 10am.  Transfiguration Sunday. Scripture: Luke 9:28-43a.  
     Topic: “Ups and Downs” 

  • Sunday, March 3: First Food Sunday!  Nonperishable food is collected for worship. Jams, food with pop tops and healthy lunch snacks are always needed. Pot Luck after worship.  Bring a dish to share, and join us.
  • Sunday, March 3: Pastor Search Committee Q&A during our potluck lunch after worship.  The PSC must observe confidentiality about the content of their search (personal information about candidates.) But they would like to help everyone understand the process they are using to search for our next pastor, and answer your questions as they are able.
  • Wed. March 6, 2pm, and Sun. March 10, 11:30 am.  Art & Soul.  Wire wrap shamrock jewelry in time for St. Patrick’s Day!  Janine Arp shares her expertise with us.  Community members and friends welcome too.
  • March 6.  Ash Wednesday special worship at 7:30pm. “A Ritual of Letting Go.”
  • Saturday March 9: Chapman University Founder’s Day.  A day of celebration and learning for UCC and Disciples around the region.  Learn about the St. John’s Bible.  Written on vellum using medieval calligraphic techniques with luminous illustrations, the St. John’s Bible seeks to awaken a biblical passion for social justice and appreciation for art, science, and discovery.  Complete information at http://www.chapman.edu/founders-day.
  • Sunday March 10: Lenten sermon series begins.  Theme: “Cultivating.”
  • Creation Justice is a cause many of us feel personally and passionately.  Now that we are officially a Creation Justice church, we are in lively conversations about what we can do for the planet going forward, as a church and individuals.  Stay tuned, let the Council know if you have a creative idea, and be sure to join us and invite your friends and neighbors Saturday, March 16 for the CCL Climate Education and Clean Energy Fair, 10am-4pm.  Speakers from all over California at BCUCC!
  • Compassionate Communication consults available.  Do you have a situation where you’re not sure how to express yourself compassionately and be heard?  Trying to work through a difficult relationship and stay connected?  Contact Pastor Terry to schedule a conversation/consult in person or by phone. (Classes are dark for March and April.)
  • Sunday, March 31: One Great Hour of Sharing. OGHS donations go to Church World Service for emergency relief and humanitarian projects all over the world.  We in the UCC join other mainline churches to support this charity that is known for rapid emergency response, very low overhead, and respect and empowerment of the people it serves.



  • Tai Chi Thursdays at 6:30pm in the Sanctuary – next sessions 3/14, 3/28.
  • Bible Study is on Thursdays at 2-3pm.  Join us in the pastor’s office; you are always welcome.  We are studying the Gospel of John.  Lively discussion about what scripture means to us today. No homework! 

  • Choir practice Thursdays at 7:30pm.  Like to sing but not sure you’re ready for prime time?  Jessica Cosley is a fabulous teacher and our choir is a great place to grow musically. Join us!
  • The BCUCC Theological Book Club will be discussing, “The Cross and the Lynching Tree,” by James H. Cone, on Wednesday, March 13th at 7:00pm at the Hill household.  Mr. Cone writes about the complicity of Christians in the evil, yet common, practice of murdering African Americans as a means of social and political control.  As he discusses the contemporaneous and historical racism in America, he helps us confront the dark truths of our past so that we can create a future that is brighter for all people.  Come join the discussion.  Email or phone Jim and Karen Hill for directions at jandkhill@mac.com or 714-693-0261.

Is your birthday on our list?  If not, please let Kimly know by email or phone, and she’ll add it.

BCUCC News for Sunday, February 24, 2019

News and Upcoming Events

  • Saturday February 23, 10am:  Planting Natives!  Help us refresh our native garden on the corner of Flower and Imperial by planting a few new plants.
  • February 22-24: Hillcrest Festival of Fine Arts, free admission, hosted by our neighbor UCC church.  https://www.hillcrestfestivaloffinearts.com.
  • Worship February 24 at 10am.  Topic: “Sticking Our Necks Out.” Scripture: Luke 6:27-38.  

  • Tuesday, February 26: Everyday Peacemaking: Compassionate Communication.  Explore tools for building connection while addressing challenging topics.  We will use real life examples– bring yours!  10-11:30 am and 7-8:30 pm in the Church Office.
  • Thanks to all who have signed up for our “Breaking Bread Together” mixers.  Your group leaders should be contacting you to talk about scheduling.  Church is not a building, it’s people sharing their values and their lives. Thanks for sharing!
  • Thanks to all who help our Sunday Morning worship and fellowship. Liturgists, those who sing, set up, bring flowers, usher, bring food, and especially those who clean up in the kitchen.  We are blessed by your service.  You are very much appreciated!
  • Saturday March 2, 11am-1pm: Teach-in on Racism: “Orange County Unmasked”, led by Mike Rodriguez. The session will explore regrettable chapters in the county’s racial history, including the Ku Klux Klan presence and “sundown” racial policies early in the 19th century. Through historic awareness, we can build a more positive future.
  • Sunday, March 3:  Pastor Search Committee Q&A during our potluck lunch after worship.  The PSC must observe confidentiality about the content of their search (personal information about candidates.) But they would like to help everyone understand the process they are using to search for our next pastor, and answer your questions as they are able.
  • March 6.  Ash Wednesday special worship at 7:30pm. 

  • Saturday March 9: Chapman University Founder’s Day.  A day of celebration and learning for UCC and Disciples.  Learn about the St. John’s Bible.  Written on vellum using medieval calligraphic techniques with luminous illustrations, the St. John’s Bible seeks to awaken a biblical passion for social justice and appreciation for art, science, and discovery.  Complete information at http://www.chapman.edu/founders-day.
  • Creation Justice is a cause many of us feel personally and passionately.  Now that we are officially a Creation Justice church, we are in lively conversations about what we can do for the planet going forward, as a church and individuals.  Stay tuned, let the Council know if you have a creative idea, and be sure to join us and invite your friends and neighbors Saturday, March 16 for the CCL Climate Education and Clean Energy Fair, 10am-4pm.  Speakers from all over California at BCUCC!



  • Tai Chi Thursdays at 6:30pm in the Sanctuary – February 28.
  • Bible Study is on Thursdays at 2-3pm.  Join us in the pastor’s office; you are always welcome.  We are studying the Gospel of John.  Lively discussion about what scripture means to us today. No homework! 

  • Choir practice Thursdays at 7:30pm.  Like to sing but not sure you’re ready for prime time?  Jessica Cosley is a fabulous teacher and our choir is a great place to grow musically. Join us!
  • The BCUCC Theological Book Club will be discussing, “The Cross and the Lynching Tree,” by James H. Cone, on Wednesday, February 27th at 7:00pm at the Hill household.  Mr. Cone writes about the complicity of Christians in the evil, yet common, practice of murdering African Americans as a means of social and political control.  As he discusses the contemporaneous and historical racism in America, he helps us confront the dark truths of our past so that we can create a future that is brighter for all people.  Come join the discussion.  Email or phone Jim and Karen Hill for directions at jandkhill@mac.com or 714-693-0261.  See you then.

“James Cone demonstrates why he is indispensable as an interpreter of faith, race, and the American experience.”  Bill Moyers

News from our Pastor Search Committee

As you know, a few weeks ago the Committee had narrowed its search to a single candidate.  But because of family obligations, that person decided not to accept our call. A second qualified candidate was then contacted, but also declined the call after receiving another pastoral position. So, after a brief moment to absorb our disappointment, the Committee is off and searching again!

To restart the search, BCUCC’s pastoral position was re-posted on the UCC’s national website, and we’ve already received six written profiles from qualified candidates. The Committee has now begun the discernment process – profiles are being carefully screened and compared to our church’s unique needs, and those candidates judged to be a good fit will soon be invited to interview.

By the way, in the early days of our search we provided BCUCC members with our church profile (the same one posted nationally by UCC to lure potential candidates) –  This profile is our Committee’s guiding beacon, ensuring that the new pastor closely aligns with our church’s vision, theology, and actions. You’ll be pleased to know that we’ve encountered a rich pool of UCC pastor candidates. As we review each applicant, we’re tasked with finding just the right fit – a pastor who shares our spiritual views (including a love of Process Theology), is passionate about social- and environmental-justice causes, has a heart for the homeless, LBGTQ, and interfaith communities, and can provide rich pastoral care to our congregation.

Please link with us in prayer during this important process!

BCUCC News for Sunday, February 17, 2019

News and Upcoming Events

  • Worship February 17 at 10am.  Topic: “Mind the Gap (The Other Beatitudes).” Scripture: Luke 6:17-26.  

  • Tuesday February 19: Church Council meeting at 7 PM in Joshua Tree room.
  • Sign up for our “Breaking Bread Together” mixers happening in March!  Each group of six people will meet weekly over a meal or refreshments to get to know each other and discuss faith and values.  Sign up with Jack or Sharon Bölle. Thanks to Jack Bölle for coordinating this opportunity for friendship and community building at our church.
  • Have you signed up for a Sunday Morning task?  Contribute to our community and have an excuse to join us.  Be a liturgist, bring flowers, or host snacks.  Email Kimly at uccbrea@gmail.com or visit the Kiosk.
  • It’s official!  We are a UCC Creation Justice church.  Thanks to all who are contributing and have contributed to our earth justice work, in large ways and small. Thanks to our Moderator Sharon Bölle for taking the lead on making us official. Thanks to all who are witnessing to God’s love for our planet. That’s Good News our community needs to hear!

Save the dates:

  • February 22-24: Hillcrest Festival of Fine Arts, free admission, hosted by our neighbor UCC church.  https://www.hillcrestfestivaloffinearts.com. We have committed to help staff this event with 2-hour shifts: see Shannon Clay for more info.
  • Tuesday, February 26: Everyday Peacemaking: Compassionate Communication.  Explore tools for building connection while addressing challenging topics.  We will use real life examples– bring yours!  10-11:30 am and 7-8:30 pm in the Church Office.
  • Saturday March 2, 10am to noon: Teach-in on Racism, led by Mike Rodriguez. (Note date change.)
  • March 6.  Ash Wednesday special worship at 7:30pm. 

  • Saturday March 9: Chapman University Founder’s Day.  A day of celebration and learning for UCC and Disciples.  Learn about the St. John’s Bible.  Written on vellum using medieval calligraphic techniques with luminous illustrations, the St. John’s Bible seeks to awaken a biblical passion for social justice and appreciation for art, science, and discovery.  Complete information at http://www.chapman.edu/founders-day.
  • Saturday, March 16: CCL Climate Education and Clean Energy Fair, 10am-4pm.  Speakers from all over California.



  • Tai Chi Thursdays at 6:30pm in the Sanctuary on Feb. 21 and 28.
  • Bible Study is on Thursdays at 2-3pm.  Join us in the pastor’s office; you are always welcome.  We are studying the Gospel of John.  Lively discussion about what scripture means to us today. No homework! 

  • Choir practice Thursdays at 7:30pm.  Like to sing but not sure you’re ready for prime time?  Jessica Cosley is a fabulous teacher and our choir is a great place to grow musically. Join us!
  • The BCUCC Theological Book Club will be discussing, “The Cross and the Lynching Tree,” by James H. Cone, on Wednesday, February 27th at 7:00pm at the Hill household.  Mr. Cone writes about the complicity of Christians in the evil, yet common, practice of murdering African Americans as a means of social and political control.  As he discusses the contemporaneous and historical racism in America, he helps us confront the dark truths of our past so that we can create a future that is brighter for all people.  Come join the discussion.  Email or phone Jim and Karen Hill for directions at jandkhill@mac.com or 714-693-0261.  See you then.

“James Cone demonstrates why he is indispensable as an interpreter of faith, race, and the American experience.”  Bill Moyers


UCC Daily Devotional

Want a bit of scripture and spiritual reflection that is relevant and open-minded?  Subscribe to the UCC Daily Devotional at http://www.ucc.org/daily_devotional

BCUCC News for Sunday, February 10, 2019

News and Upcoming Events

  • Worship February 10 at 10am.  Topic: “To Be Honest.” Scripture: Luke 5:1-11.
  • Sunday February 10, ~11:30:  Art and Soul, Weekend Edition in the Hall.  Join church friends in the Hall to create a bracelet, with supplies and instruction from Janine Arp.  $5 requested to cover supply costs. You are also welcome to bring your own project to work on.
  • Sign up for our “Breaking Bread Together” mixers happening in March!  Each group of six people will meet weekly over a meal or refreshments to get to know each other and discuss faith and values.  Sign up with Jack or Sharon Bölle. Thanks to Jack Bölle for coordinating this opportunity for friendship and community building at our church.
  • Directory Update Underway.  Has your contact information changed?  Please let us know!  Want a directory?  We don’t pass out stacks of them, in order to preserve your privacy.  You can always request an electronic or print version from the church office.

Save the dates:

  • February 15-18: Common Good Film Festival at Claremont School of Theology.  View inspiring movies from a process relational theology perspective.  See http://whiteheadfilmfestival.org for details.

  • February 22-24: Hillcrest Festival of Fine Arts, free admission, hosted by our neighbor UCC church.  https://www.hillcrestfestivaloffinearts.com. We have committed to help staff this event with 2-hour shifts: see Shannon Clay for more info.
  • Tuesday, February 26: Everyday Peacemaking: Compassionate Communication.  Explore tools for building connection while addressing challenging topics.  We will use real life examples– bring yours!  10-11:30 am and 7-8:30 pm in the Church Office.
  • Saturday March 2, 10am to noon: Teach-in on Racism, led by Mike Rodriguez. (Note date change.)
  • March 6.  Ash Wednesday special worship at 7:30pm. 

  • Saturday March 9: Chapman University Founder’s Day.  A day of celebration and learning for UCC and Disciples.  Learn about the St. John’s Bible.  Written on vellum using medieval calligraphic techniques with luminous illustrations, the St. John’s Bible seeks to awaken a biblical passion for social justice and appreciation for art, science, and discovery.  Complete information at http://www.chapman.edu/founders-day.
  • Saturday, March 16: CCL Climate Education and Clean Energy Fair, 10am-4pm.  Speakers from all over California.



  • Tai Chi Thursdays at 6:30pm in the Sanctuary on Feb. 21 and 28.
  • Bible Study is on Thursdays at 2-3pm.  Join us in the pastor’s office; you are always welcome.  We are studying the Gospel of John.  Lively discussion about what scripture means to us today. No homework! 

  • Choir practice Thursdays at 7:30pm.  Like to sing but not sure you’re ready for prime time?  Jessica Cosley is a fabulous teacher and our choir is a great place to grow musically. Join us!
  • The BCUCC Theological Book Club will be discussing, “The Cross and the Lynching Tree,” by James H. Cone, on Wednesday, February 27th at 7:00pm at the Hill household.  Mr. Cone writes about the complicity of Christians in the evil, yet common, practice of murdering African Americans as a means of social and political control.  As he discusses the contemporaneous and historical racism in America, he helps us confront the dark truths of our past so that we can create a future that is brighter for all people.  Come join the discussion.  Email or phone Jim and Karen Hill for directions at jandkhill@mac.com or 714-693-0261.  See you then.

“James Cone demonstrates why he is indispensable as an interpreter of faith, race, and the American experience.”  Bill Moyers


UCC Daily Devotional

Want a bit of scripture and spiritual reflection that is relevant and open-minded?  Subscribe to the UCC Daily Devotional at http://www.ucc.org/daily_devotional

BCUCC News for Sunday, February 03, 2019

News and Upcoming Events

  • Worship February 3 at 10am.  Topic: “Troublemaker.” Scripture: Luke 4:21-30.
  • First Food Sunday is February 3. Potluck after worship: bring a dish to share or munch ours.  Food will be collected during worship for Brea’s food shelf.  All nonperishables welcome, but single serving and pre-cooked items are always welcome.
  • Wednesday February 6, 2-4 pm: Art and Soul.  Join church friends in the Hall to create polymer clay art, with supplies and instruction from Janine Arp.  $7 requested to cover supply costs.  You are also welcome to bring your own project to work on.
  • Thursday, February 7: Worship Team Meeting at 6:30pm in the Office.
  • Sunday February 10, ~11:30:  Art and Soul, Weekend Edition in the Hall.  Join church friends in the Hall to create a little art, with supplies and instruction from Janine Arp.  $5 requested to cover supply costs. You are also welcome to bring your own project to work on.
  • Sign up for our “Breaking Bread Together” mixers happening in March!  Each group of six people will meet weekly over a meal or refreshments to get to know each other and discuss faith and values.  Sign up with Jack or Sharon Bölle. Thanks to Jack Bölle for coordinating this opportunity for friendship and community building at our church.
  • Help make Sunday wonderful!  Sign up to read in worship, bring treats for our fellowship time after worship, or flowers for a special Sunday in 2019.  See the Kiosk, or send an email to Kimly at uccbrea@gmail.com if you have a date in mind.

Save the dates:

  • February 15-18: Common Good Film Festival at Claremont School of Theology.  View film from a process relational theology perspective.  See http://whiteheadfilmfestival.org for details.

  • Saturday March 2, 10am to noon: Teach-in on Racism, led by Mike Rodriguez. (Note date change.)
  • March 6.  Ash Wednesday special worship at 7:30pm. 

  • Saturday March 9: Chapman University Founder’s Day.  A day of celebration and learning for UCC and Disciples.  Learn about the St. John’s Bible.  Written on vellum using medieval calligraphic techniques with luminous illustrations, the St. John’s Bible seeks to awaken a biblical passion for social justice and appreciation for art, science, and discovery.  Complete information at http://www.chapman.edu/founders-day.
  • Saturday, March 16: CCL Climate Education and Clean Energy Fair, 10am-4pm.  Speakers from all over California.



  • Tai Chi Thursdays at 6:30pm in the Sanctuary— on Feb. 21 and 28.
  • Bible Study is on Thursdays at 2-3pm.  Join us in the pastor’s office; you are always welcome.  We are studying the Gospel of John.  Lively discussion about what scripture means to us today. No homework! 

  • Choir practice Thursdays at 7:30pm.  Like to sing but not sure you’re ready for prime time?  Jessica Cosley is a fabulous teacher and our choir is a great place to grow musically. Join us!

  •    The BCUCC Theological Book Club is reading, In the Shelterby Padraig O Tuama.  There’s an old Irish proverb: ‘It is in the shelter of each other that the people live.’  Interweaving everyday stories with analysis, gospel reflections with mindfulness and Celtic spirituality with poetry, this book explores the practice of welcoming as a spiritual discipline.  It is comforting and inspiring.  Come join the fun and discussions at 7pm on Wednesday, February 6th for chapters 7-10.  We’ll meet at the Hill household.  Please email at jandkhill@mac.com or call 714-693-0261 for directions.  See you then!


New Member Joining

Would you like to become a member of Brea Congregational UCC?  Please let Pastor Terry or Sharon Bölle know, and we will schedule the upcoming Orientation and Joining at a time that is convenient for all.

BCUCC News for Sunday, January 27, 2019

News and Upcoming Events

  • Worship Sunday January 27 at 10am.  Topic: “Naming and Claiming Your Faith Your Way.” Scripture: Luke 4:14-21.
  • Thursday, January 31: Taizé service at 6:30pm in the Hall.
  • Sign up for our “Breaking Bread Together” mixers happening in February!  Each group of six people will meet weekly over a meal or refreshments to get to know each other and discuss faith and values.  Thanks to Jack Bölle for coordinating this opportunity for friendship and community building at our church.
  • Help make Sunday wonderful!  Sign up to read in worship, bring treats for our fellowship time after worship, or flowers for a special Sunday.  See the Kiosk, or send an email to Kimly at uccbrea@gmail.com if you have a date in mind.

Save the dates:

  • February 15-18: Common Good Film Festival at Claremont School of Theology.  View film from a process relational theology perspective.  See http://whiteheadfilmfestival.org for details. 
  • Saturday March 2, 10am to noon: Teach-in on Racism, led by Mike Rodriguez. (Note date change.)
  • Ash Wednesday: March 6.  Ash Wednesday special worship at 7:30pm. 
  • Saturday March 9: Chapman University Founder’s Day.  A day of celebration and learning for UCC and Disciples.  Learn about the St. John’s Bible.  Written on vellum using medieval calligraphic techniques with luminous illustrations, the St. John’s Bible seeks to awaken a biblical passion for social justice and appreciation for art, science, and discovery.  Complete information at http://www.chapman.edu/founders-day.
  • Saturday, March 16: CCL Climate Education and Clean Energy Fair, 10am-4pm.  Speakers from all over California.



  • Tai Chi Thursdays at 6:30pm in the Sanctuary—Stay tuned for February schedule.
  • Bible Study is on Thursdays at 2-3pm.  Join us in the pastor’s office; you are always welcome.  We are studying the Gospel of John.  Lively discussion about what scripture means to us today. No homework! 
  • Choir practice Thursdays at 7:30pm.  Like to sing but not sure you’re ready for prime time?  Jessica Cosley is a fabulous teacher and our choir is a great place to grow musically. Join us!
  •    The BCUCC Theological Book Club is reading, In the Shelterby Padraig O Tuama.  There’s an old Irish proverb: ‘It is in the shelter of each other that the people live.’  Interweaving everyday stories with analysis, gospel reflections with mindfulness and Celtic spirituality with poetry, this book explores the practice of welcoming as a spiritual discipline.  It is comforting and inspiring.  Come join the fun and discussions at 7pm on Wednesday, February 6th for chapters 7-10.  We’ll meet at the Hill household.  Please email at jandkhill@mac.com or call 714-693-0261 for directions.  See you then!


Pastor Search Committee Announcement

Good news from our Pastor Search Committee! After many months of prayerful consideration, the Committee has narrowed the search to a single candidate. As part of the final process, we were privileged to host the candidate and their family over a recent weekend. Committee members heard our candidate preach a sermon at a local UCC church, broke bread, toured the BCUCC campus, and had many in-depth conversations to ensure a mutual fit. We’re not quite there yet, but we are listening intently to God’s creative guidance and are making good progress toward a final recommendation. At the end of this long and thoughtful journey, you’ll be introduced to the candidate and hear them offer a sermon in our pulpit. Members will then be asked to provide final approval.  Please continue to pray for wisdom and discernment for our candidate and for our Search Committee.


New Member Joining

Would you like to become a member of Brea Congregational UCC?  Please let Pastor Terry or Sharon Bölle know, and we will schedule the upcoming Orientation and Joining at a time that is convenient for all.

BCUCC News for Sunday, January 20, 2019

News and Upcoming Events

  • Sign up for our “Breaking Bread Together” mixers happening in February!  Each group of six people will meet weekly over a meal or refreshments to get to know each other and discuss faith and values.  Thanks to Jack Bölle for coordinating this opportunity for friendship and community building at our church.
  • Worship Sunday January 20: Martin Luther King Weekend.  Topic: “Time to Celebrate.” Scripture: John 2:1-11.
  • Tuesday, January 22: Everyday Peacemaking: Compassionate Communication.  Two sessions, at 10-11:30am or 7-8:30pm.  Both in the Church Office.  RSVP requested to Pastor Terry.  Topic: “Care-full conversations”- showing you care even when you’re tense!

  • Thursday, January 31: Taizé service at 6:30 pm in the Hall.

    Save the dates:

  • February 15-18: Common Good Film Festival at Claremont School of Theology.  View film from a process relational theology perspective.  See http://whiteheadfilmfestival.org for details.

  • Saturday March 2, 10am to noon: Teach-in on Racism, led by Mike Rodriguez. (Note date change.)
  • Ash Wednesday: March 6.  Ash Wednesday special worship at 7:30 pm. 

  • Saturday March 9: Chapman University Founder’s Day.  A day of celebration and learning for UCC and Disciples.  Learn about the St. John’s Bible.  Written on vellum using medieval calligraphic techniques with luminous illustrations, the St. John’s Bible seeks to awaken a biblical passion for social justice and appreciation for art, science, and discovery.  Complete information at http://www.chapman.edu/founders-day.
  • Saturday, March 16: CCL Climate Education and Clean Energy Fair, 10am-4pm.  Speakers from all over California.



  • Tai Chi is Thursday at 6:30pm in the Sanctuary Jan. 24.
  • Bible Study is on Thursdays at 2-3pm.  Join us in the pastor’s office; you are always welcome.  We are studying the Gospel of John.  Lively discussion about what scripture means to us today. No homework! 

  • Choir practice Thursdays at 7:30pm.  Like to sing but not sure you’re ready for prime time?  Jessica Cosley is a fabulous teacher and our choir is a great place to grow musically. Join us!

  •    The BCUCC Theological Book Club is reading In the Shelterby Padraig O Tuama.  There’s an old Irish proverb: ‘It is in the shelter of each other that the people live.’  Interweaving everyday stories with analysis, gospel reflections with mindfulness and Celtic spirituality with poetry, this book explores the practice of welcoming as a spiritual discipline.  It is comforting and inspiring.  Come join the fun and discussions at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesdays, January 23rd for chapters 4-6, and February 6th for chapters 7-10.  We’ll meet at the Hill household.  Please email at jandkhill@mac.com or call 714-693-0261 for directions.  See you then!


Welcoming Travelers is what we do           by Alice Foltz

A new kind of networking is taking place among immigrant-welcoming UCC congregations across the United States. We don’t know who helped Mary, Joseph and their baby flee to Egypt, but our congregations are finding ways to welcome strangers, today.

I can share one of the most recent examples of welcome our church has been a part of. Maria worked for years in a professional job in Guatemala, but she faced abuse and threats from her boss. He demanded favors that she refused, and then began to threaten her. As a director, he controlled her job, and he knew that an indigenous woman like Maria had few options.

The demands became threats, and he threatened not only her job but also her life. Fearful, Maria needed to leave, so she made her way to a border checkpoint, to apply for asylum in the U.S.

Maria got in touch with a friend who was part of the Labor Resource Center sponsored by Centreville Immigration Forum, a project founded 10 years ago by Wellspring United Church of Christ, in Centreville, Virg. CIF Board member Stephen Vandivere and Wellspring Pastor Emeritus Jerry Foltz agreed to help with local sponsorship and arrangements in Virginia, to help Maria leave detention in Elon, Arizona while waiting her hearing.

When her friend paid the bond, she was immediately released and taken to the bus station in the middle of the night without money, food or a warm coat. She began the 54-hour bus trip across the country, happy to be out of detention but unsure about what lay ahead.

Foltz remembered a network of friends across the country, and made phone calls to immigrant-welcoming congregations along the bus route. Pastor Ken Heintzelman at Shadow Rock UCC, Phoenix Ariz., agreed quickly to meet her with a team prepared with food, a warm coat, and accompaniment to the right bus, just after midnight.

In Oklahoma City, HollyAnn Weaver, a member of Church of the Open Arms UCC, offered an “Open Arms” welcome and helped Maria to manage a bus transfer.

Both groups offered Maria use of a cell phone to call her friend in Virginia.

Finally, on the Thursday before Christmas, Maria arrived in Washington, D.C., welcomed again by the Rev. Jerry Foltz and friends from Virginia.

Alice Foltz, a member of Wellspring UCC, is a volunteer and President of the Board of Centreville Immigration Forum, and a history instructor at Northern Virginia Community College.