BCUCC News for Sunday, August 5, 2018

News and Upcoming Events

  • Sunday August 5: Potluck after worship!  All are welcome.  Bring a dish to share.
    First Food Sunday.  Bring food to worship for Brea residents in need. Typically needed to supplement bulk food supplies: canned fruit, healthy lunch snacks, jams and jellies, oatmeal, easy-open foods for people without kitchen access.
  • Sunday August 5: Communion Sunday.  Guest Preacher: Rev. Felix Villanueva.  Felix has been serving as our UCC Southern California Nevada Conference Minister for 8 years, bringing us innovative programs and ideas, including clergy coaching, which Pastor Terry appreciates.  He is originally from Puerto Rico.  He previously served as a Navy chaplain, and as a pastor in San Diego.
  • Thursday August 9: Worship Committee meets at 1:30pm in the church office.
  • Thursday August 9: Art and Soul. 2:30-4:30 pm in the church hall.  Come feed your soul with art.  Bring your favorite (easily portable) art supplies if you like, or use ours. We will have a short meditation, then work and play, together or independently, on a project. Also, share ideas for future arts at BCUCC!  Teens and adults welcome.
  • Wednesday August 15, 6:30 pm: Join your church friends for a Big Band Concert in the Park. At Brea City Hall Park, 401 S. Brea Blvd. Stay tuned for details.
  • Friday August 17: YAYA’s Movie Night—“The Greatest Showman” with food, games and more.  Stay tuned for details!
  • Monday August 27: evening cardio and martial arts classes start! In Sequoia Hall; teens to elders are welcome.  Free to church members!



  • Bible Study is Thursdays 9:15-10:15am in the church office. We may take days off in the summer; RSVP to Pastor Terry if you’re not a regular to be sure we’re meeting. Topic is 2 Samuel (King David).  All are welcome, to discover the intersection of sacred story and modern life with an open mind.
  • The BCUCC Theological Book Clubwill be reading, Falling Upward, by Richard Rohr.  In this book, Father Rohr offers a new paradigm for understanding one of the most profound of life’s mysteries, how our failings can be the foundation for our ongoing spiritual growth.  We will meet at 7:00p.m. on Wednesday, August 15th to discuss Chapters 1-6 and again on August 29th to discuss Chapters 7-13.  We gather at the home of the Hills; please call or email Jim and Karen for directions at 714-693-0261 or jandkhill@mac.com and join our conversation.


The Southern California Nevada Conference

of the United Church of Christ:

The Southern California Nevada Conference of the United Church of Christ (“The Conference”) is made up of over 130 local churches in the geographical region that lies south of the northern boundaries of San Bernardino, Kern, and San Luis Obispo Counties and includes Clark County of Nevada.

These 130+ congregations make up the Northern, Southern, Eastern, and Central Associations. (BCUCC is in the Eastern Association.)

The goals and responsibilities of the Associations are as follows:

  • to cultivate a spirit of oneness in Christ among the member churches
  • to stimulate the spiritual life and mission of the member churches
  • and to authorize and nurture ministers and ministry in the local churches

These local congregations reflect our society’s racial, cultural, and ethnic diversity. Worship services are conducted in a variety of styles and in seven or more languages every Sunday morning!

The congregations of the Conference are connected through local, national, global, and ecumenical partnerships.


Mission of the Conference:

To embody a covenant of extravagant Christian love that empowers leaders, congregations, and communities in pursuit of a just world.


Conference Core Values:

  1. We experience covenant through extravagant hospitality that connects us in interdependent inclusive Christian community.
  2. We empower educated, innovative and ethical lay & clergy leaders for ministry.
  3. We are mission centric and relational.
  4. Our faith demands that we seek justice.