BCUCC News for Sunday, May 26, 2019

News and Upcoming Events

·         Sunday, May 26: Worship at 10am.  Theme: “Open to Possibilities”. Scripture: John 5:1-9. 

·         Sunday, May 26: Prospective Member Orientation, 11:15 in the Manzanita Room. (We will have a repeat orientation June 2.)

·         Sunday, June 2: First Food Sunday and Potluck.  In worship, we will collect non-perishable food for our local food shelf, A.C.T.  Easy-open cans and snack foods always needed.  After worship, join us for food and fellowship in the Hall.

·         Tuesday, June 4: BCUCC Lunch Bunch meets at 11:45am, at Coco’s on Imperial near State College Ave.  All are welcome to this informal fellowship gathering.  RSVP to Pastor Terry so we can save you a spot.

·         Friday and Saturday, June 7-8: UCC Annual Gathering of the Southern California Nevada Conference at Chapman University in Orange.  Join us for workshops on spirituality, activism, effective church leadership and more.  Make connections with other progressive Christians throughout our region. Delegate registration is paid by the church. Register at: https://scncucc.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/209440 

·         Help us celebrate Pentecost June 9 by sharing a verse of scripture in your favorite (non-English) language.  Please let Pastor Terry or a Worship Team member know if you’re interested.

·         Sharing Musical (and artistic) Gifts in Worship: Would you like to share a meaningful song, or instrumental music, or poem, or photos, or dance, or…?  Our suggested theme is: “Our Rainbow of Creativity”.  Starting June 23 through the summer the choir is on break and your gifts will be most appreciated.  Jessica can support musical endeavors.

·         Pilgrim Pines Summer Camp is taking registrations now. Weeklong camps for children grades 1-12 run from July 7 to August 3.  (Special adult/child (ages 3-7) camp July 7-10.)  See pilgrimpinescamp.org/summer-camp/ for complete information.

·         June 22: OC Pride Parade and celebration.  A number of UCC churches will be marching together.  Join the Parade and celebrate inclusive welcome with us!

·         A Little Color, a Lot of Inclusion – After renewing the locks on our sign facing Imperial Highway, we have placed a third (and hopefully lasting) small pride flag in one corner.  We have added a trans flag (pink and blue stripes) to another corner.  The Church Council chose to place these spots of color as symbols of welcome to people who may have trouble trusting they are truly welcome at church, and as proclamation of God’s inclusive love.

·         Last Sunday, on a motion by Russ Nowell, and a second by Sharon Everley, the congregation voted in unanimous support for a Resolution of Witness to Support the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act 0f 2019.  Thank you for caring about our earth!  Read on…

·         The most important thing you can do to fight climate change?  Talk about it.  Climate Scientist and Evangelical Christian Katherine Hayhoe spoke to the Creation Justice Churches this month, showing us that most Americans imagine climate change won’t affect them personally.  We know better. We owe it to our children, to those already displaced and impoverished by climate, and to the planet.  Dr. Hayhoe models how to lead from the heart, and find common ground.  Watch her Ted talk online and then spread the word.  Her TED talk is at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-BvcToPZCLI&frags=pl%2Cwn, and the one-hour Creation Justice webinar is at: https://youtu.be/g7YscULEYcQ.


·         Tai Chi Thursdays at 6:30pm in the Sanctuary. Check with Karen Hill which Thursdays. Next date: 30th.

·         Bible Study is on Thursdays at 2-3pm.  Join us in the pastor’s office; you are always welcome.  Ring the bell at the gate on Flower Street.  We are studying the Book of Jeremiah.  Lively discussion about what scripture means to us today. No homework! 

·         The BCUCC Theological Book Club will be reading Finally Comes the Poet—Daring Speech for Proclamation by Walter Brueggemann.  Brueggemann tells us that the Christian gospel can be too often preached with excessive certitude which can reduce it to coercive, debilitating pietism that can mask the text’s meaning.  He proposes an alternative voice that is artistic, poetic, and dramatic.  Come join the discussion.  We’ll meet Wednesday, May 29th, at 7:00p.m. to discuss Chapters 1 & 2 and again on June 26th to discuss Chapters 3 & 4.  We’ll meet at the Hill household.  Please call or email at 714-693-0261 or jandkhill@mac.com for directions.

Holy Spirit,

giving life to all life,

moving all creatures,

root of all things,

washing them clean,

wiping out their mistakes,

healing their wounds,

you are our true life,

luminous, wonderful,

awakening the heart

from its ancient sleep.

-Hildegard of Bingen