January 29 – February 18

This Week

  • January 31:  Book Study7pm (see below in “Ongoing”)
  • Feb. 1, Thurs. Bible Study – We are studying 1st & 2nd Samuel at 9:15am in the church office. All are welcome; no homework or previous knowledge required.


  • Feb. 4, Sun – 10am Worship Theme: Healing Relationships. Scripture: Mark 1: 29-45. First Food Sunday (bring nonperishable food for the local Food Shelf) and Potluck after church.
  • Feb. 14, Ash Wednesday Service at 7:30 pm.
  • Feb 15, Thurs – 6:45pm BCUCC Tai Chi Practice
    No experience needed; benefits all ages.  No special clothing or shoes necessary.  Tai Chi is a practice of slow, gentle balance movements that promote good health and peace of mind.  We’ll begin February 15th and meet every other Thursday at 6:45 p.m. in the sanctuary.  Come join us for this peaceful, centering practice.
  • Feb. 18, Sun – Following Jesus in the 21st Century: A Learning Conversation.  11:20-12:05.
  • Save the date:  The Whitehead Film Festival at Claremont School of Theology will be held February 16-19.  Watch the film trailers, read more about the festival and purchase your tickets at commongoodfilms.org.


  •  The BCUCC Theological Book Club will be reading, Jesus, Uncovering the Life, Teachings, and Relevance of a Religious Revolutionary by Marcus Borg.  “Borg pours a lifetime of scholarship into this provocative overview of Jesus’ life.”  Come join our discussion. Next meeting is on Wed7:00p.m. January 31st for Chapters 8-10 and Epilogue.  Email or phone the Hills at jandkhill@mac.com or 714-693-0261 for directions.
  • Choir practice on Thursdays at 7:30pm in the music room. We love newcomers! Give us a try.

January 29 – February 10

Information coming soon!