BCUCC News for Sunday, June 3, 2018
News and Upcoming Events
- Sunday June 3: Worship at 10am. Bible: Acts 20:7-12. Theme: Waking Up.
- First Food Sunday: bring food for A.C.T. food shelf.
- Sunday June 3 after church: “Claiming Our Church’s Future” – We will have a cozy potluck lunch in the Manzanita room. Pastor Terry will then guide us through some choices we can make that can help us grow as a church, and share a little perspective on generational differences. We will briefly discuss what we want to do moving forward to support our church’s thriving. Miss Bernie will help with child care, and children are welcome.
- Sunday June 3, 6:45 pm to 9:00 pm: Join our Muslim friends at the Islamic Institute of Orange County for “Ramadan 101”, sunset prayer, and breaking the Ramadan fast. RSVP required: outreach@iioc.com. Fasting optional! You need not stay for the whole event.
- June 5 primaries are important. Local races matter. “Top two” primary rules means your party needs your vote. Remind your friends. Be an informed voter! Here are some good sources of information: https://voiceofoc.org/category/topics/politics/election-central/, org.
- Sunday June 10: Bible: Mark 6:1-13. Theme: Two by Two.
- Sunday June 10: YAYA’s Beach Party – Drive (carpool) after church to Huntington Beach city beach. Bring food for a potluck/picnic. All are welcome. Talk to Bryan Wake for details.
- Thursday June 14: Lunch Bunch is hosted by Joan West. Coco’s on Imperial next to HWY 57, 11:45am. Catch up with church friends and write a couple of care notes. All ages welcome. RSVP to Joan or Pastor Terry so we can save you a spot.
- Saturday June 23: March with BCUCC in the OC Gay Pride Parade. RSVP to Pastor Terry.
- May 19- June 30: Interfaith Shelter Network uses our Sequoia Hall; we cook dinners through June 8. (Want to cook on June 5th or 8th ? We had a cancellation!) Check with Sharon Everley or Ann Marshall if you’d like to support the program. Thanks to all who signed up to cook and bring supplies!
- Sunday July 1: Congregational Meeting after worship. We will vote on the 2018-2019 budget, approve the Church’s Profile (resumé) and take written nominations for the Pastor Search Committee.
- The BCUCC Theological Book Clubwill be reading Catherine Keller’s book, On the Mystery: Discerning Divinity in Process. The author offers this brief and unconventional introduction to theological thinking. She takes up theology itself as a quest for religious authenticity. Come join us. We have a great time processing our thoughts together. We will meet at 7:00p.m. on June 6th to finish with Chapters 6-8. We meet at the Hill household. Please call or email for directions at 714-693-0261 or jandkhill@mac.com.
- Bible Study is Thursdays 9:15-10:15am in the church office. Topic is 1-2 Samuel. All are welcome, to discover the intersection of sacred story and modern life with an open mind.
- Choir practice on Thursdays at 7:30pm in the music room. We love newcomers! Give us a try.