BCUCC News for Sunday, Dec 2, 2018


News and Upcoming Events

  • Saturday Dec. 1, 9am: Hanging of the Greens part 1. Help us decorate the sanctuary and hall!  Bring your old clothes and your creativity.
  • Saturday Dec. 1 following Hanging of the Greens: Photo Ark.  Carpool from the church to see this free photo exhibit of the world’s animals at the Annenberg Space for Photography in L.A. Bring a picnic lunch (or pick something up at the food court two blocks away.
  • Bring Christmas photos and wall hangings… We have room along the side walls of the sanctuary for your hangable Christmas decorations and framed photos.
  • Sunday Dec. 2.  Hanging of the Greens part 2: worship service at 10am.  Potluck after worship!  All are welcome.  Bring a dish to share.  First Food Sunday.  Bring food to worship for Brea residents in need. Typically needed to supplement bulk food supplies: canned fruit, healthy lunch snacks, jams and jellies, oatmeal, easy-open foods for people without kitchen access.
  • Thursday Dec.6, 6:30pm: Worship Team Meeting.
  • Saturday December 15, 10-12pm: Allies to Jews.  Kate Potter (sister of Kris Percy) will lead this “teach-in” event in our church hall.  Learn how to support our Jewish neighbors in the face of recent anti-Jewish crimes in Orange County.
  • Tuesday December 18: Everyday Peacemaking: Compassionate Communication.  Two opportunities. Morning session 10-11:30am; Evening session 7-8:30pm in the church office (ring bell at gate on Flower Street).  Topic: Self-empathy. Beginners welcome.
  • Sunday Dec. 23, 4-6 pm (note time change): The YAYA’s invite you to go caroling, followed by cocoa and treats at the church. We will carpool to some nearby locations.  If you can’t sing, just smile and bring good cheer.
  • Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at 7:30pm.  Singing carols and lighting candles… what a great time to invite family and friends!  See you there.



  • The BCUCC Theological Book Club will be reading, The Heart is a Little to the Left, by William Sloane Coffin.  The preface of this book reads, “If we are to be equal to the times we live in and to the greater problems the future will bring, we had better learn to scorn trifles and strive to be far more imaginative and more generous in spirit.  Above all, I believe we need to claim the kinship of all people, to recover the prophetic insight that we belong one to another, every one of us.”  You are welcome to join us in the discussion on Wednesday, December 19th at 7:00p.m. at the home of the Hills.  Please call or email us at 714-693-0261 or jandkhill@mac.com for directions.
  • Bible Study is on Thursdays at 2-3pm.  Join us in the pastor’s office; you are always welcome.  We are studying the Gospel of John.  Lively discussion about what scripture means to us today. No homework! 

  • Choir practice Thursdays at 7:30. Like to sing but not sure you’re ready for prime time?  Jessica Cosley is a fabulous teacher and our choir is a great place to grow musically. Join us!
  •  Share the message!  Sermons are online in both video and print form on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/56642580963/. Print copies are available on the table in the church entry, and the blog justshine1.blogspot.com.


Donations in December:  Our Council has decided to offer you two ways to give holiday gifts to those in need. Look for containers in the church entry coming soon.

  1. To a homeless family who attend Bryan Wake’s school. Stay tuned for specific gifts sought.

  1. To asylum seekers just released from detention in OC and on their way to host families around the country.  From Sheryl at Friends of Orange County Detainees:

 “We are always in need of men’s clothing, specifically:  Slim fitting jeans.  The sizes most in demand are 29 to 34, although we occasionally have a 36, smaller sizes are most needed. Cotton casual slim fitting pants, same sizes as above. T-shirts, small through large, small and medium most in demand. Jackets coats and cold weather gear, all sizes; sweat shirts and hoodies all sizes; athletic and casual shoes all sizes, we are very short on 7.5 to 9; new underwear (not white), boxers and boxer briefs preferred; new sockssmall (carryon) suitcases and duffel bags. It is a great experience when people who have been detained for months or years have a chance to select their own clothing. I tell them all of these items are available because people care about them and welcome them to our country.”

BCUCC News for Sunday, November 25, 2018

News and Upcoming Events

  •       Thursday November 22: Happy Thanksgiving!!
  •     Sunday November 25:10am Worship.  Bible reading: Mark 10:17-31. Theme: “Persistent Love.”
  • Tues. Nov. 27: Everyday Peacemaking – Compassionate Communication at 10-11:30am and 7-8:30pm. Using real-world situations, learn to speak your truth in a way that respects others and builds trust. Topic:  Principles of Effective Communication.  In the church office (Enter through the gate on Flower Street.)


  • Saturday Dec. 1 at 9 am: Hanging of the Greens.  (Part 1) Help us decorate the sanctuary and hall!  Bring your old clothes and your creativity.
  • Sunday Dec. 2.  Hanging of the Greens special worship service.  Potluck after worship!  All are welcome.  Bring a dish to share.  First Food Sunday.  Bring food to worship for Brea residents in need. Typically needed to supplement bulk food supplies: canned fruit, healthy lunch snacks, jams and jellies, oatmeal, easy-open foods for people without kitchen access.
  • Thanks to all who participated in our Interfaith Shelter Network Fall 4-week stay, which finishes Saturday.  Special thanks to Ann Marshall and Carol This who coordinated food and logistics.  This special ministry gives a small group of people private and friendly room and board while they put their lives together. Churches much larger than ours are in awe of what we accomplish.  You make a difference!

  • Holiday events upcoming:  We are scheming fun events… stay tuned!




  • Bible Study is on Thursdays at 2-3pm.  Join us in the pastor’s office; you are always welcome.  We are studying the Gospel of John.  Lively discussion about what scripture means to us today. No homework!
  • Thursdays 6:30: Tai Chi. Karen will guide us in this gentle meditative movement: restorative for body and soul. All ages welcome. Wear comfortable stretchable clothing; layers so you can be a comfortable temperature. Scheduled Nov. 1, 15, 29. 

  • Choir practice Thursdays at 7:30. Like to sing but not sure you’re ready for prime time?  Jessica Cosley is a fabulous teacher and our choir is a great place to grow musically. Join us!

Reminder: Has your Ralphs community card been updated? If not, Brian Wake can help you!

Neighbors in Need Special Mission Offering (NIN) of the United Church of Christ supports ministries of justice and compassion throughout the United States. We raised $763 last Sunday.  An additional matching amount will be donated from memorial mission funds to Friends of Orange County Detainees.  You may contribute today, too. (Make checks to BCUCC, put “NIN in the memo.) Thanks for your generosity!


California Wildfires:  How can we help?  Monetary donations to https://www.calfund.org/wildfire-relief-fund/ go 100% to fire victims.


Gift Giving to those in need:  Our Council has decided to offer you two ways to give holiday gifts to those in need. Look for containers in the church entry coming soon.

  1. To a homeless family who attend Bryan Wake’s school. Stay tuned for specific gifts sought.

  1. To asylum seekers just released from detention in OC and on their way to host families around the country.  From Sheryl at Friends of Orange County Detainees:

“We are always in need of men’s clothing, specifically:  Slim fitting jeans.  The sizes most in demand are 29 to 34, although we occasionally have a 36, smaller sizes are most needed. Cotton casual slim fitting pants, same sizes as above. T-shirts, small through large, small and medium most in demand. Jackets coats and cold weather gear, all sizes; sweat shirts and hoodies all sizes; athletic and casual shoes all sizes, we are very short on 7.5 to 9; new underwear (not white), boxers and boxer briefs preferred; new sockssmall (carryon) suitcases and duffel bags.

It is a great experience when people who have been detained for months or years have a chance to select their own clothing. I tell them all of these items are available because people care about them and welcome them to our country.”

Give us courage, gentle one, to be marked as one of yours.

Give us Wisdom to see through the pretensions to power which human structures parade –

the glamour and the misspent wealth, leaders who will not serve.

Give us clarity of purpose, simplicity and truth,

that the healing and joy of infinite love may come through us to earth. Amen

BCUCC News for Sunday, November 18, 2018

News and Upcoming Events

  •      We have a new guest in the shelter program who lost all of her clothes. She is in need of size 8 clothing. Please bring your gently used or new clothes to the Fellowship hall.
  •    Sunday November 18:10am Worship Bible reading: Mark 11:12-25. Theme: “Good News for the Earth.”  Fourth Sunday of the Season of Creation. (By creation we mean God’s ongoing relationship with the world, in harmony with evolution.)
  • Sunday November 18: Neighbors in Need special UCC offering.  This offering provides grants to church-related ministries for mercy and social justice.  Matching funds will be given to OC’s own Neighbors in Need recipient, the Friends of OC Detainees, who coordinate volunteer visits and aid to immigrant detainees in OC jails, and to clothe them when they are finally released.
  • Oct. 27-November 24: Interfaith Shelter Network in the Hall. Thanks to all who are cooking and sharing mealtimes with our guests.  They appreciate our welcome. Thanks to Ann Marshall and Carol This for coordinating this important ministry. Please see Ann to sign up to buy perishable groceries when neededNote: The shelter stay was extended two weeks.


  • Saturday Dec. 1 at 9 am: Hanging of the Greens.  Help us decorate the sanctuary and hall!  Bring your old clothes and your creativity.



  • Bible Study is now Thursdays at 2-3pm.  Join us in the pastor’s office; you are always welcome.  We are studying the Gospel of John.  Lively discussion about what scripture means to us today. No homework!
  • Thursdays 6:30: Tai Chi. Karen will guide us in this gentle meditative movement: restorative for body and soul. All ages welcome. Wear comfortable stretchable clothing; layers so you can be a comfortable temperature. Scheduled Nov. 1, 15, 29. 

  • Choir practice Thursdays at 7:30. Like to sing but not sure you’re ready for prime time?  Jessica Cosley is a fabulous teacher and our choir is a great place to grow musically. Join us!
  • Fellowship Time Refreshments needed!  Sign up at the Kiosk. Great way to do your holiday baking without eating it all!

Reminder: Has your Ralphs community card been updated? If not, Brian Wake can help you!

Neighbors in Need Special Mission Offering (NIN)  of the United Church of Christ that supports ministries of justice and compassion throughout the United States. One-third of NIN funds support the Council for American Indian Ministry (CAIM). Two-thirds of this offering is used by the UCC’s Justice and Witness Ministries (JWM) to support a variety of justice initiatives, advocacy efforts, and direct service projects through grants. Neighbors in Need grants are awarded to UCC churches and organizations doing justice work in their communities. These grants fund projects whose work ranges from direct service to community organizing and advocacy to address systemic injustice. This year, special consideration will be given to projects focusing on serving our immigrant neighbors and communities. Projects receiving grants have included food pantries and homeless shelters, a prison to community re-entry program, interfaith groups that advocate for worker justice, microbanking, and community organizer training.

Why “Creation Justice”? Using the term “creation” instead of “eco” or “environment” demonstrates our humble self-awareness that we are part of the created order our Creator constantly is at work with us to redeem and sustain. Using the term “justice” rather than “care” indicates our commitment to not only heal, tend, and restore God’s creation, but to ensure the protection of God’s planet and God’s people from exploitation, as well as provision for the remediation of the damage that has been done. Because of the connotations and meanings of the phrase creation justice, it was adopted in the naming of Creation Justice Ministries. More recently, the United Church of Christ has named their green church recognition program “Creation Justice Churches,” while the American Baptists have developed a “Creation Justice Network.”


UCC Creation Justice Resources: 




Creator God, your love calls forth beetles and butterflies.

You speak in tendrils of green growth and the stark beauty of scree slopes.

Help us to see ourselves as precious and vulnerable,

held in relationship with all creation

by the Divine breath of love. Amen 

BCUCC News for Sunday, November 11, 2018

News and Upcoming Events

  • Sunday November 11: 10am Worship, Blessing of Animals. Bible reading: Matthew 6:24-33. Theme: “All My Relations.” Third Sunday of the Season of Creation. (By creation we mean God’s ongoing relationship with the world, in harmony with evolution.) Pets who will be comfortable in worship (with perhaps a blanket or towel if they want pew space) are welcome.  If your pet is happier or safer at home, you may bring a photo and we will “bless remotely.”
  • November 14, 2-4pm: Art and Soul.  Thanks to Janine Arp for offering our featured craft, polymer clay, and some ideas for holiday décor.  Co-create some arts and crafts with us in the Hall with her guidance.  You can also bring your favorite project, and/or supplies to share.
  • 27-November 24: Interfaith Shelter Network in the Hall. Thanks to all who are cooking and sharing mealtimes with our guests. They appreciate our welcome. Thanks to Ann Marshall and Carol This for coordinating this important ministry. Please see Ann to sign up to buy perishable groceries when needed. Note: The shelter stay has been extended two weeks.


  • Sunday November 18: Neighbors in Need special UCC offering. This offering provides grants to church-related ministries for mercy and social justice.  Matching funds will be given to OC’s own Neighbors in Need recipient, the Friends of OC Detainees, who coordinate volunteer visits and aid to immigrant detainees in OC jails, and to clothe them when they are finally released.
  • Saturday Dec. 1 at 9 am: Hanging of the Greens. Help us decorate the sanctuary and hall!  Bring your old clothes and your creativity.



  • Bible Study is now Thursdays at 2-3pm. Join us in the pastor’s office; you are always welcome.  We are studying the Gospel of John.  Lively discussion about what scripture means to us today. No homework!
  • Thursdays 6:30: Tai Chi. Karen will guide us in this gentle meditative movement: restorative for body and soul. All ages welcome. Wear comfortable stretchable clothing; layers so you can be a comfortable temperature. Scheduled Nov. 1, 15, 29.

  • Choir practice Thursdays at 7:30. Like to sing but not sure you’re ready for prime time? Jessica Cosley is a fabulous teacher and our choir is a great place to grow musically. Join us!

Community events:

      Corpus Christi: a play by Terrence McNally: What if Jesus was gay?  Joshua, different from other boys because of his homosexuality, grows up in isolation and torment.  Fleeing his home, he gathers a group of disciples who are drawn to his radical message of love and tolerance.  Despite his message of equality, he will suffer the same fate as Jesus who also sought to change a wayward community—its arrogance, its ignorance, and its complacency.  November 9-18 in Santa Ana. Tickets at TheWaywardArtist.org.


“A more inclusive history of Brea” – The Brea Historical Society is part of a nationwide research program to document the history of de facto segregation. Let Pastor Terry know if you would like to participate in this project as part of a community conversation.


Reminder: Has your Ralphs community card been updated: If not, Brian Wake can help you!


Pastor Search Committee Update:  The diligent members of our Search Committee have reviewed at least 20 profiles and are conducting second interviews for six promising candidates.  They are Shannon Clay, Karen Hill, Randy Fowler, Russell Nowell, Kathryn Kadletz, Georlyn Igma, and Dave This.  Sharon Bölle and Ann Marshall are observers.


Neighbors in Need (NIN) is a special mission offering of the United Church of Christ that supports ministries of justice and compassion throughout the United States. One-third of NIN funds support the Council for American Indian Ministry (CAIM). Two-thirds of this offering is used by the UCC’s Justice and Witness Ministries (JWM) to support a variety of justice initiatives, advocacy efforts, and direct service projects through grants. Neighbors in Need grants are awarded to UCC churches and organizations doing justice work in their communities. These grants fund projects whose work ranges from direct service to community organizing and advocacy to address systemic injustice. This year, special consideration will be given to projects focusing on serving our immigrant neighbors and communities. Projects receiving grants include food pantries and homeless shelters, a prison to community re-entry program, interfaith groups that advocate for worker justice, microbanking, and community organizer training.

When we try to pick out anything by itself,

we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe.

-John Muir

BCUCC News for Sunday, November 4, 2018

News and Upcoming Events

  • Saturday November 3: YAYA’s Movie Night 6-10pm. Dinner (in the hall with shelter guests) and child care provided.  Movie in the Sanctuary.  Bring a comfortable chair, costume if you have it, and enjoy costume and trivia contests.  Thanks Bryan Wake for organizing this! (What are YAYAs?  Youth and young adults.  It’s their thing but they invite everyone.)

    This Sunday Nov. 4:

  • TIME CHANGE!! Daylight savings time ends, sleep in an hour… or join the choir if you come an hour early!


  • First Food Sunday: Potluck and Food Shelf donations. Bring a favorite dish to share for a potluck lunch together after worship. Bring food to worship for Brea residents in need. Typically needed to supplement bulk food supplies: canned fruit, healthy lunch snacks, jams and jellies, oatmeal, easy-open foods for people without kitchen access.


  • Sunday November 4: 10am Worship. Reading: An adaptation of Luke 15:11-21, “The Prodigal Species.” Theme: The Cry of the Earth. Second Sunday of the Season of Creation (By creation we mean God’s ongoing relationship with the world, in harmony with evolution.)
  • Sunday November 11: Blessing of Animals in worship.
  • November 14, 2-4pm: Art and Soul.  Thanks to Janine for offering our featured craft, polymer clay.  Co-create some arts and crafts with us in the Hall with her guidance.  You can also your favorite project, and/or supplies to share.
  • 27-November 10: Interfaith Shelter Network in the Hall. Thanks to all who are cooking and sharing mealtimes with our guests. They appreciate our welcome. Thanks to Ann Marshall and Carol This for coordinating this important ministry.


  • Sunday November 18: Neighbors in Need special UCC offering. This offering provides grants to church-related ministries for mercy and social justice.  Matching funds will be given to OC’s own Neighbors in Need recipient, the Friends of OC Detainees, who coordinate volunteer visits and aid to immigrant detainees in OC jails, and to clothe them when they are finally released.


  • Bible Study is now Thursdays at 2-3pm. Join us in the pastor’s office; you are always welcome.  We are studying the Gospel of John.  Lively discussion about what scripture means to us today. No homework!
  • The BCUCC Theological Book Club will be reading, Where Do We Go From Here—Chaos or Community, by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. In this prophetic work, Dr. King lays out his thoughts, plans, and dreams for America’s future. It’s a universal message of hope that continues to resonate.  We’ll meet at the Hill’s home on Wednesday, November 7th at 7:00p.m.  Come enjoy the company and the discussion.  For directions please call the Hills at 714-693-0261 or email jandkhill@mac.com.
  • Thursdays 6:30: Tai Chi. Karen will guide us in this gentle meditative movement: restorative for body and soul. All ages welcome. Wear comfortable stretchable clothing; layers so you can be a comfortable temperature. Scheduled Nov. 1, 15, 29.

  • Choir practice Thursdays at 7:30. Like to sing but not sure you’re ready for prime time? Jessica Cosley is a fabulous teacher and our choir is a great place to grow musically. Join us!

Community events:

      Corpus Christi: a play by Terrence McNally: What if Jesus was gay?  Joshua, different from other boys because of his homosexuality, grows up in isolation and torment.  Fleeing his home, he gathers a group of disciples who are drawn to his radical message of love and tolerance.  Despite his message of equality, he will suffer the same fate as Jesus who also sought to change a wayward community—its arrogance, its ignorance, and its complacency.  November 9-18 in Santa Ana. Tickets at TheWaywardArtist.org.


Voting Resources:

  • Early voting is at the Fullerton Community Center- including drive-thru ballot drop-off. 340 W. Commonwealth Avenue Located in Boardroom. Parking is located behind the
    Community Center.  Nov 3 – Nov 5, 7:00am–8:00pm.
  • Did you misplace your mail-in ballot: request an in-person ballot at early voting or your regular voting place. You can always submit a provisional ballot.
  • Can you mentor a new voter? Drive someone to the polls?  Help someone understand propositions or local candidates?  Talk someone into voting who doesn’t usually vote in off years?  Ask everyone you know to vote? These are all ways to strengthen our democracy and serve our community. For more info: org, ballotpedia.org, candidate websites.


Lift us from despair.

Lord, too often we are blind to the miracles of creation,

and deaf to the cries of injustice.

Open our eyes, Lord, to see the beauty of your world.

Open our ears to hear the cry of the earth.

Open our hearts to care for all living things.

Lift us from despair to hope, from apathy to action,

from indifference to compassion.

Lift us and heal us, for your love’s sake. Amen.