BCC News for Sunday, July 28

BCUCC News for Sunday, July 21, 2019

News and Upcoming Events

·         Sunday, July 21: Worship at 10am. Theme: “Paying Attention.”  Scripture: Luke 10:38-42. 

·         Sunday, July 28, after worship: Goodbye and Thank You to Kathryn Kadletz.  Kathryn will be moving to Colorado in early August.  She and the church have journeyed together for about twenty years, and she has been our lead Sunday School teacher.  Sharon Everley is coordinating a salad buffet (Items currently provided: salad bar, lemonade, bread). —please let her know if you’d like to bring a salad or dessert. Blessings to Kathryn Kadletz on her new adventure! She will be sorely missed.

Mark your Calendar:

·         Sunday August 4:  First Food Sunday.  We celebrate communion in worship, share a potluck lunch afterwards, and bring food for the Brea food shelf.

·         Tuesday August 13: Lunch Bunch, 11:45am at Coco’s at Imperial and State College.

·         Sunday, August 25:  Family Promise Shelter Training after worship.

·         September 1-8:  Family Promise Shelter in Hall (3 families hosted.)             More details below!

·         Sunday, September 15: Environmental Movie in late afternoon                    “Happening: A Green Energy Revolution.”


·         Our Rainbow of Creativity: Through the summer, members and friends of the church will share their creativity with us through the arts and music.  Thanks to all who have shared in this very personal way!

·         Bible Study is on Thursdays at 2-3pm.  Join us in the pastor’s office; you are always welcome.  Ring the bell at the gate on Flower Street.  We are studying the Book of Jeremiah.  Lively discussion about what scripture means to us today. No homework! *During the summer, we may cancel Bible Study on weeks when regulars are traveling.  Call, email or text Pastor Terry if you’re not sure.

·         For our summer read, the BCUCC Theological Book Club chose a novel, The Overstory, by Richard Powers.  Inspired by the Redwood trees, Powers writes an impassioned work of activism and resistance that is, also, a stunning paean to the natural world.  There is a world alongside ours—vast, slow, interconnected, resourceful, magnificently inventive, and almost invisible to us.  Come join the discussion.  We will meet Wednesday at 7pm on July 24 for chapters 7-9, August 7 for chapter 10, and August 21 for chapters 11-12.  For directions please contact the church.

Shelter News

Brea UCC will be replacing our ISN program with Family Promise.  Rotating with about 20 other Orange County churches, we will open our facility to provide short-term emergency shelter to families. The director will give a brief introduction to the program during worship on Sunday August 11, 2019 and a training for the church volunteers immediately after the service on Sunday, August 25. We will not only have the opportunity to provide meals, we will need overnight volunteers, and can also offer tutoring and craft activities for the children. See Ann Marshall for more information, and look for literature on the entry table.

BCUCC News for Sunday, July 14, 2019

News and Upcoming Events

·         Sunday, June 30: Worship at 10am. Theme: “Learning to be Neighborly”.  Scripture: Luke 10:25-37. Bryan Wake will be presenting a slideshow this week!

·         Monday, July 15, 7:30pm:  Candlelight Taizé Meditation of Resistance. Scripture, prayer, song and meditation.  Led by our musicians and Karen Hill.  This reflective service is a different style of worship.  Please join us, and invite family and friends who might enjoy such an experience, including meditators and “SBNR’s” (spiritual but not religious…)

·         Tuesday July 16, 7pm: Church Council meets in the Hall.


·         Our Rainbow of Creativity: Through the summer, members and friends of the church will share their creativity with us through the arts and music.  Thanks to all who have shared in this very personal way!

·         Bible Study is on Thursdays at 2-3pm.  Join us in the pastor’s office; you are always welcome.  Ring the bell at the gate on Flower Street.  We are studying the Book of Jeremiah.  Lively discussion about what scripture means to us today. No homework! *During the summer, we may cancel Bible Study on weeks when regulars are traveling.  Call, email or text Pastor Terry if you’re not sure.

·         For our summer read, the BCUCC Theological Book Club chose a novel, The Overstory, by Richard Powers.  Inspired by the Redwood trees, Powers writes an impassioned work of activism and resistance that is, also, a stunning paean to the natural world.  There is a world alongside ours—vast, slow, interconnected, resourceful, magnificently inventive, and almost invisible to us.  Come join the discussion.  We will meet Wednesday at 7pm on July 24 for chapters 7-9, August 7 for chapter 10, and August 21 for chapters 11-12.  For directions please contact the church.

Delegates to General Synod 2019 voted to approve another timely resolution of witness:
“Addressing the State of Global Forced Migration.”  The complete resolution is at https://tinyurl.com/migr-ucc2019  and copies are available in the church entry.  Here is a crucial excerpt:

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that the Thirty-Second General Synod of the United Church of Christ:

Affirms a vision of God’s family that is all-inclusive, accepting, and welcoming, recognizing the dignity of every human being; and rejects the divisive discourse of fear, xenophobia, bigotry, and racism that pervades the discourse on global forced migration, including as it relates to policy debates on immigration; and

Calls upon the members of the United Church of Christ in all settings to take seriously the matter of global forced migration: to pray, learn, and actively engage in education about the current state of global forced migration using resources made available through the church, specifically Global Ministries, the UCC’s Humanitarian and Development Ministries, and the UCC National Collaborative on Immigration; and

Urges members of the UCC to participate in practicable ways to address the state of global forced migration through

·         support of denominational partners around the world who are responding to the needs of displaced people, whether they are refugees, migrants, internally displaced, asylum- seekers, or others, through Global Ministries and One Great Hour of Sharing;

·         engagement in refugee resettlement programs in the US through the UCC’s Humanitarian and Development Ministries;

·         advocacy for the rights of refugees everywhere based on the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees (1951); and for Palestinian refugees specifically as stipulated in UN General Assembly Resolution 194 (1948), and for continued US funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency;

·         advocacy and action on issues of economic justice, climate justice, and immigration justice; and

·         efforts to dismantle racism, to learn about different cultures and religions, including Islam, and to counter any form of discrimination, bigotry, and xenophobia when encountered