BCUCC News for Sunday, May 27, 2018

News and Upcoming Events

  • Sunday May 27: Worship at 10am. Bible: Mark 5:21-43. Theme: Healing Power.
  • Tuesday May 29: 7pm Transition Team meets in the Church office.
  • Thursday May 31: 7pm Worship Committee meets in the Church office.
  • UCC Annual Gathering June 1-2 at Chapman University.
  • Sunday June 3: Worship at 10am. Bible: Acts 20:7-12. Theme: Waking Up.
  • Sunday June 3 after church: “Claiming Our Church’s Future” – The third and last Transition Team event.  Learn how changing demographics and church size dynamics affect our church and how we can respond faithfully for the future.
  • Sunday June 3, 6:45 pm to 9:00 pm: Fast with a Muslim. Join our Muslim friends at the Islamic Institute of Orange County for “Ramadan 101”, sunset prayer, and breaking the Ramadan fast. RSVP required: outreach@iioc.  Fasting optional! You need not stay for the whole event.
  • Comings and goings: Please extend a warm welcome to Virginia Tressler and Jerry Vanderzul as they return from an extended sojourn in Florida.  Our prayers and good wishes go to Oliver Wells, who leaves June 3 to active duty with the Marines in Virginia.
  • June 5 primaries are important. Local races matter. “Top two” primary rules means your party needs your vote. Be an informed voter!  Here are some good sources of information:  org, https://voiceofoc.org/category/topics/politics/election-central/.
  • Eagle Scout Project support: Nick Wood is updating our Native Garden at the corner of Flower and Imperial with an arbor, and other improvements at the corner of Flower and Imperial for his Eagle Scout Project. Please give any donations to the church (or its financial officers) with “Garden Project” in the memo line.) Thank you Nick!
  • May 19- June 30 Interfaith Shelter Network uses our Sequoia Hall; we cook dinners through June 8. Check with Sharon Everley or Ann Marshall if you’d like to support the program. Thanks to all who signed up to cook and bring supplies!
  • UCC Summer Camps at Pilgrim Pines are taking registration! For 1st graders through 12th graders, weekly July 12-Aug. 5. “Big Feet Little Feet for children 3-7 with an adult companion is new the first week! http://www.pilgrimpinescamp.org/summercamp/2018SummerCampBrochure.pdf


  • The BCUCC Theological Book Clubwill be reading Catherine Keller’s book, On the Mystery: Discerning Divinity in Process.  The author offers this brief and unconventional introduction to theological thinking.  She takes up theology itself as a quest for religious authenticity.  Come join us.  We have a great time processing our thoughts together.  We will meet at 7:00p.m. on June 6th to finish with Chapters 6-8.  We meet at the Hill household.  Please call or email for directions at 714-693-0261 or jandkhill@mac.com.


  • Bible Study is Thursdays 9:15-10:15am in the church office. Topic is 1-2 Samuel.  All are welcome, to discover the intersection of sacred story and modern life with an open mind.
  • Choir practice on Thursdays at 7:30pm in the music room. We love newcomers! Give us a try.


Housing desperately needed!

            If you or someone you know has a room for rent with kitchen privileges in the $500 range, this is a great boon to someone who cannot afford an apartment.  Shelly, our shelter host, would love to help make a connection for someone making a new start in their life.

Rising rents in Orange County make it that much harder for homeless people to get back on their feet (even as they create more homelessness…).  It used to be that getting a job was enough.  Now a long search for an affordable living situation often prolongs the time people with jobs must continue to use shelter facilities.  College students and visiting scholars also need affordable living situations, if you have space and are not ready for a permanent housemate.

P.S.  Veterans in need have some amazing programs available in Orange County to house them and support them and get help with ptsd symptoms, Read this article if you’re wondering why your PTSD symptoms won’t subside..  But these programs are not always well known.  Mike, the case manager working with ISN, knows these resources—we can make a contact if you know a veteran in need of support.

Creation Care Tip:  Enjoy nature; spend time outdoors in gardens, parks and wild areas.  Appreciation and gratitude make us better stewards of God’s earth.