BCUCC News for Sunday, August 26, 2018
News and Upcoming Events
- Hymn Sing starting at 9:50am continues through Labor Day weekend, user’s choice!
- Sunday August 26: Worship 10am. Theme: Feet on the Ground. Community Voices: Rev. Nora Jacob shares her work of Restorative Justice. Nora serves as Restorative Justice Minister at UrbanMission (UCC/DOC), a fresh expression of 21st-century church in south Pomona since 2013. She is also a co-founder and Restorative Justice Director of the related non-profit organization, UrbanMission Community Partners (UMCP). Since 2014, Nora has co-facilitated three accountability and healing groups each week with incarcerated students inside the California Institution for Men (CIM) in Chino. She also works in reentry and reintegration of men and women returning to their communities after prison. In addition, she facilitates InsideOut Art at UMCP, promoting opportunities for currently and formerly incarcerated artists to share their creative work, and encouraging conversations in the wider community about the role of art in personal and social transformation.
- Monday August 27: Evening cardio and martial arts classes start! In Sequoia Hall; teens to elders are welcome. Free to church members! Low Impact Cardio class 6:45pm-7:15pm; Martial Arts class 7:30pm-9pm. Wear tennis shoes and comfortable workout clothes!
- Tuesday August 28: Everyday Peacemaking: Compassionate Communication. Morning session 10-11:30am in the church office (ring bell at gate on Flower Street). Evening session 7-8:30pm in the Hall. We will examine the meanings of empathy and practice deep listening. Beginners welcome.
- Thursday August 30: Choir starts again; practice at 7:30pm. (First performance Sept. 9.) Beginners and newcomers welcome! Our Music Director Jessica Cosley can tell you more.
- Thursday August 30: Tai Chi starts again, 6:30-7:15pm pm in the sanctuary.
- Saturday Sept. 1: YAYA’s Bubble Run. Some crazy fun! Talk to Bryan Wake for details. Kawaipono@gmail.com
- Thursday Sept. 6: Bible Study is Thursdays 9:15-10:15am in the church office. Starting the Gospel of John 6 – a great time to join! All are welcome, to discover the intersection of sacred story and modern life with an open mind
- Thursday Sept. 6: “Art and Soul” 2-4pm. Back by popular demand! A little spirituality, a little conversation, and a lot of space to create; no skill necessary. Bring your favorite art or craft project, extra supplies if you want to share, or borrow ours. We will have coloring and doodling as prayer. Last time we also had origami and collage… join us!
- Saturday September 15: Please join us for Inner-Coastal Cleanup, 8-10am. KEEPING OUR WATERWAYS CLEAN: When the rainy season begins, much of the plastic and other debris in and around our drain channels gets washed out to sea. We can help prevent this. We’ll join others in Brea to help clear trash from the area next to the westernmost parking structure on Birch Street in Downtown Brea. For more information, contact Dennis Arp: dennisansellarp@gmail.comor 714-747-0206.
- The BCUCC Theological Book Clubwill be reading, Falling Upward, by Richard Rohr. In this book, Father Rohr offers a new paradigm for understanding one of the most profound of life’s mysteries, how our failings can be the foundation for our ongoing spiritual growth. We will meet at 7pm on Wed 8/29 to discuss Chapters 7-13. We gather at the home of the Hills; please call or email Jim and Karen for directions at 714-693-0261 or jandkhill@mac.com and join our conversation.
- Thursdays 6:30- Tai Chi with Karen Hill- a gentle and meditative movement. We meet in the sanctuary. Starts August 30, continues through September, except September 13. Karen Hill will guide us in this gentle meditative movement: restorative for body and soul. All ages welcome. Wear comfortable stretchable clothing; layers so you can be a comfortable temperature.
- “Everyday Peacemaking” Compassionate Communication practice groups will continue on a monthly basis: Tuesday mornings 10-11:30am in the church office, 8/28* and 9/18. Tuesday evenings 7-8:30pm in the Hall, 8/28 and 9/25. Practice speaking your truth in love, and listening from the heart. No experience necessary. (*Note date change.)
“Humility is not thinking less of yourself. It’s thinking of yourself less.”
-S. Lewis
Creation Care Tip: Vote! Educate yourself to vote for local and national candidates who act on the sacred value of the earth and its creatures. Share what you learn with your neighbors and urge them to vote, too.