BCUCC News for Sunday, February 03, 2019
News and Upcoming Events
- Worship February 3 at 10am. Topic: “Troublemaker.” Scripture: Luke 4:21-30.
- First Food Sunday is February 3. Potluck after worship: bring a dish to share or munch ours. Food will be collected during worship for Brea’s food shelf. All nonperishables welcome, but single serving and pre-cooked items are always welcome.
- Wednesday February 6, 2-4 pm: Art and Soul. Join church friends in the Hall to create polymer clay art, with supplies and instruction from Janine Arp. $7 requested to cover supply costs. You are also welcome to bring your own project to work on.
- Thursday, February 7: Worship Team Meeting at 6:30pm in the Office.
- Sunday February 10, ~11:30: Art and Soul, Weekend Edition in the Hall. Join church friends in the Hall to create a little art, with supplies and instruction from Janine Arp. $5 requested to cover supply costs. You are also welcome to bring your own project to work on.
- Sign up for our “Breaking Bread Together” mixers happening in March! Each group of six people will meet weekly over a meal or refreshments to get to know each other and discuss faith and values. Sign up with Jack or Sharon Bölle. Thanks to Jack Bölle for coordinating this opportunity for friendship and community building at our church.
- Help make Sunday wonderful! Sign up to read in worship, bring treats for our fellowship time after worship, or flowers for a special Sunday in 2019. See the Kiosk, or send an email to Kimly at uccbrea@gmail.com if you have a date in mind.
Save the dates:
- February 15-18: Common Good Film Festival at Claremont School of Theology. View film from a process relational theology perspective. See http://whiteheadfilmfestival.org for details.
- Saturday March 2, 10am to noon: Teach-in on Racism, led by Mike Rodriguez. (Note date change.)
- March 6. Ash Wednesday special worship at 7:30pm.
- Saturday March 9: Chapman University Founder’s Day. A day of celebration and learning for UCC and Disciples. Learn about the St. John’s Bible. Written on vellum using medieval calligraphic techniques with luminous illustrations, the St. John’s Bible seeks to awaken a biblical passion for social justice and appreciation for art, science, and discovery. Complete information at http://www.chapman.edu/founders-day.
- Saturday, March 16: CCL Climate Education and Clean Energy Fair, 10am-4pm. Speakers from all over California.
- Tai Chi Thursdays at 6:30pm in the Sanctuary— on Feb. 21 and 28.
- Bible Study is on Thursdays at 2-3pm. Join us in the pastor’s office; you are always welcome. We are studying the Gospel of John. Lively discussion about what scripture means to us today. No homework!
- Choir practice Thursdays at 7:30pm. Like to sing but not sure you’re ready for prime time? Jessica Cosley is a fabulous teacher and our choir is a great place to grow musically. Join us!
- The BCUCC Theological Book Club is reading, In the Shelter, by Padraig O Tuama. There’s an old Irish proverb: ‘It is in the shelter of each other that the people live.’ Interweaving everyday stories with analysis, gospel reflections with mindfulness and Celtic spirituality with poetry, this book explores the practice of welcoming as a spiritual discipline. It is comforting and inspiring. Come join the fun and discussions at 7pm on Wednesday, February 6th for chapters 7-10. We’ll meet at the Hill household. Please email at jandkhill@mac.com or call 714-693-0261 for directions. See you then!
New Member Joining
Would you like to become a member of Brea Congregational UCC? Please let Pastor Terry or Sharon Bölle know, and we will schedule the upcoming Orientation and Joining at a time that is convenient for all.