BCUCC News for Sunday, June 10, 2018

News and Upcoming Events

  • June 10: Bible: Mark 6:1-13. Theme: Don’t Go It Alone.
  • Sunday June 10: YAYA’s Beach Party – Drive (carpool) after church to Huntington Beach city beach. Bring food for a BBQ potluck/picnic.  All are welcome.  Talk to Bryan Wake for details.
  • Tuesday June 12, noon: Help us ring 49 Bells, in memory of lives lost to the Orlando shooting, June 12, 2016. Light lunch to follow, RSVP to the office or Pastor Terry appreciated.  Signup on the kiosk.
  • Thursday June 14: Lunch Bunch is hosted by Joan West. Coco’s on Imperial next to HWY 57, 11:45am.  Catch up with church friends and write a couple of care notes. All ages welcome.  RSVP to Pastor Terry so we can save you a spot.
  • Thursday June 14: Worship Committee meets at 6:30. Guests invited to choir practice at 7:30 to help us sing Music Sunday with Gusto!
  • Sunday June 17: Music Sunday.  Let’s thank and enjoy our choir before summer break.  Worship Theme: God’s Rhythm. Bible: Psalm 127:1-2, Mark 6:30-32. Happy Father’s Day, too!
  • Saturday June 23: March with BCUCC in the OC Gay Pride Parade. 10am in Santa Ana. Carpool may be arranged. Check out our new banner.  Sign up is on the Kiosk.
  • Sunday, June 24 Worship: Special music by singer Angelica Rowell.
  • May 19- June 30: Interfaith Shelter Network uses our Sequoia Hall; we cook dinners through June 8. Check with Sharon Everley or Ann Marshall if you’d like to support the program.
  • Sunday July 1: Congregational Meeting after worship. We will vote on the 2018-2019 budget, approve the Church’s Profile (resumé) and take written nominations for the Pastor Search Committee.



  • Bible Study is Thursdays 9:15-10:15am in the church office. We may take days off in the summer; RSVP to Pastor Terry if you’re not a regular to be sure we’re meeting.  Topic is 2 Samuel.  All are welcome, to discover the intersection of sacred story and modern life with an open mind.


UCC Diversity: First Congregational Church of Second Life (Online)



The first virtual reality located church with full standing in any mainline denomination achieved another first on January 7, 2018, the Sunday celebrated as the Baptism of Christ.  At the regular evening worship service Mr. Jonni Connor, a member of First United Church of Christ Second Life, was baptized in a ceremony that included both virtual world and real world participation.  Connor has been a member of First UCC Second Life for many months and requested baptism.  The sacrament had not been administered for him in real life.


Rev. Christine Metcalf Ng and Rev. Dr. Jerold Garber planned the liturgy for the occasion to include use of Connor’s real life name and for a member of Connor’s family to sprinkle water at the same time the ritual was performed by the avatars representing the participants in Second Life.  “We knew that Mr. Connor is challenged by autism,” said Garber, “which prohibits him from interacting verbally, being in a crowded environment, or being touched in the real world.”  “We believe that God is present in all places, and that conducting the baptism with real life use of water and using the real name of the person being baptized, were sufficient,” Garber added.


Some of those attending the service remarked that they were in tears of joy.  Connor is currently working on a book on autism to help persons not familiar with the condition better understand those who live with autism.  His ability to interact in the First UCC Second Life community has led to him being appointed a Guide, the virtual world version of usher.


First United Church of Christ celebrated four years of ministry in October of 2017 and was installed as a church with full standing in the Eastern Association, Southern California Nevada Conference in November of 2016.  Information about the ministry is available on the church website http://www.firstuccsl.org