BCUCC News for Sunday, September 16, 2018

  • Saturday September 15: Please join us for Inner-Coastal Cleanup, 8-10am.
    KEEPING OUR WATERWAYS CLEAN: When the rainy season begins, much of the plastic and other debris in and around our drain channels gets washed out to sea. We can help prevent this. We’ll join others in Brea to help clear trash from the area next to the westernmost parking structure on Birch Street in Downtown Brea. For more information, contact Dennis Arp.
  • Sunday September 16: 10am Worship. Theme: Opening to God’s Possibilities.  Bible Reading: Mark 7:31-37.
  • Monday September 17: Low Impact Cardio 6:45 pm & Martial Arts 7:30 pm in the Hall – free to church members.
  • Tuesday Sept. 18: Church Council meets at 7pm in the Joshua Tree Room.
  • Tuesday Sept. 25: Everyday Peacemaking: Compassionate Communication.10-11:30 am in the office, or 7-8:30 pm in the hall.  This month’s focus: From Anger to EmpathyJesus said “do not judge” and “Love Your Neighbor”; here are concrete steps you can use to transform judgment and build relationship.  Real life examples; beginners and community members welcome.
  • Wed. Oct. 3: Candlelight Taizé Serviceat 7 pm in the Hall. Theme: “The Way.”  Song, scripture, prayer and silence.  Invite a friend!
  • Saturday October 6: Apple Pie Day at Pilgrim Pines Camp! Carpool from the church at 8:30. Begins at 9:30 and ends at 3:00 pm. Lunch and activities are included. Cost is $16 for adults and $12 for children 13 and under. Kids 3 and under are free. Pre-register at www.pilgrimpinescamp.org.
  • Favorite Worship Songs and Hymns: what are yours? Take a sheet fron the basket in the church entry and return it with your favorites.


  • Bible Study is Thursdays 9:15-10:15 am in the church office. We are beginning the Gospel of John. All are welcome, to discover the intersection of sacred story and modern life with an open mind. No homework.
  • The BCUCC Theological Book Club will be reading, Days of Awe and Wonder: How to be a Christian in the 21st Century,by Marcus J. Borg.  “God, the sacred, pervades all that is, even though we do not often see it.  But there are moments in which our eyes are opened, and we see the glory.”  Come join us in discovery.  We will meet Wednesday, Sept. 12th, at 7pm to discuss Chapters 1-8, and on October 17th to discuss Chapters 9-16.  Light refreshments are served, and fun and discovery are enjoyed by all.
  • Thursdays 6:30- Tai Chi with Karen Hill continues through September.Karen will guide us in this gentle meditative movement: restorative for body and soul. All ages welcome. Wear comfortable stretchable clothing; layers so you can be a comfortable temperature.
  • Choir practice Thursdays at 7:30. Like to sing but not sure you’re ready for prime time? Jessica Cosley is a fabulous teacher and our choir is a great place to grow musically. Join us!
  • Share the message! Sermons are online in both video and print form on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/56642580963/. Print copies are available on the right side of the church entry.
  • A directory of church members and friends is available by request on paper or as a PDF file. For privacy of participants, we do not leave it in the church entry; sorry for that inconvenience!

When you have exhausted all possibilities, remember this: you haven’t.

– Thomas Edison 

Creation Care Note: How can we protect people from the effects of environmental damage: fires, floods, storms, and pollution-induced illness?  Political advocacy, to mitigate and share the cost of environmental harm, is part of environmental justice.  Low-income people, who may lack safe shelter, savings, insurance, or support networks, are disproportionally affected. They need all our voices to advocate for environmental preservation and disaster relief.