BCUCC News for Sunday, February 24, 2019
News and Upcoming Events
- Saturday February 23, 10am: Planting Natives! Help us refresh our native garden on the corner of Flower and Imperial by planting a few new plants.
- February 22-24: Hillcrest Festival of Fine Arts, free admission, hosted by our neighbor UCC church. https://www.hillcrestfestivaloffinearts.com.
- Worship February 24 at 10am. Topic: “Sticking Our Necks Out.” Scripture: Luke 6:27-38.
- Tuesday, February 26: Everyday Peacemaking: Compassionate Communication. Explore tools for building connection while addressing challenging topics. We will use real life examples– bring yours! 10-11:30 am and 7-8:30 pm in the Church Office.
- Thanks to all who have signed up for our “Breaking Bread Together” mixers. Your group leaders should be contacting you to talk about scheduling. Church is not a building, it’s people sharing their values and their lives. Thanks for sharing!
- Thanks to all who help our Sunday Morning worship and fellowship. Liturgists, those who sing, set up, bring flowers, usher, bring food, and especially those who clean up in the kitchen. We are blessed by your service. You are very much appreciated!
- Saturday March 2, 11am-1pm: Teach-in on Racism: “Orange County Unmasked”, led by Mike Rodriguez. The session will explore regrettable chapters in the county’s racial history, including the Ku Klux Klan presence and “sundown” racial policies early in the 19th century. Through historic awareness, we can build a more positive future.
- Sunday, March 3: Pastor Search Committee Q&A during our potluck lunch after worship. The PSC must observe confidentiality about the content of their search (personal information about candidates.) But they would like to help everyone understand the process they are using to search for our next pastor, and answer your questions as they are able.
- March 6. Ash Wednesday special worship at 7:30pm.
- Saturday March 9: Chapman University Founder’s Day. A day of celebration and learning for UCC and Disciples. Learn about the St. John’s Bible. Written on vellum using medieval calligraphic techniques with luminous illustrations, the St. John’s Bible seeks to awaken a biblical passion for social justice and appreciation for art, science, and discovery. Complete information at http://www.chapman.edu/founders-day.
- Creation Justice is a cause many of us feel personally and passionately. Now that we are officially a Creation Justice church, we are in lively conversations about what we can do for the planet going forward, as a church and individuals. Stay tuned, let the Council know if you have a creative idea, and be sure to join us and invite your friends and neighbors Saturday, March 16 for the CCL Climate Education and Clean Energy Fair, 10am-4pm. Speakers from all over California at BCUCC!
- Tai Chi Thursdays at 6:30pm in the Sanctuary – February 28.
- Bible Study is on Thursdays at 2-3pm. Join us in the pastor’s office; you are always welcome. We are studying the Gospel of John. Lively discussion about what scripture means to us today. No homework!
- Choir practice Thursdays at 7:30pm. Like to sing but not sure you’re ready for prime time? Jessica Cosley is a fabulous teacher and our choir is a great place to grow musically. Join us!
- The BCUCC Theological Book Club will be discussing, “The Cross and the Lynching Tree,” by James H. Cone, on Wednesday, February 27th at 7:00pm at the Hill household. Mr. Cone writes about the complicity of Christians in the evil, yet common, practice of murdering African Americans as a means of social and political control. As he discusses the contemporaneous and historical racism in America, he helps us confront the dark truths of our past so that we can create a future that is brighter for all people. Come join the discussion. Email or phone Jim and Karen Hill for directions at jandkhill@mac.com or 714-693-0261. See you then.
“James Cone demonstrates why he is indispensable as an interpreter of faith, race, and the American experience.” Bill Moyers
News from our Pastor Search Committee
As you know, a few weeks ago the Committee had narrowed its search to a single candidate. But because of family obligations, that person decided not to accept our call. A second qualified candidate was then contacted, but also declined the call after receiving another pastoral position. So, after a brief moment to absorb our disappointment, the Committee is off and searching again!
To restart the search, BCUCC’s pastoral position was re-posted on the UCC’s national website, and we’ve already received six written profiles from qualified candidates. The Committee has now begun the discernment process – profiles are being carefully screened and compared to our church’s unique needs, and those candidates judged to be a good fit will soon be invited to interview.
By the way, in the early days of our search we provided BCUCC members with our church profile (the same one posted nationally by UCC to lure potential candidates) – This profile is our Committee’s guiding beacon, ensuring that the new pastor closely aligns with our church’s vision, theology, and actions. You’ll be pleased to know that we’ve encountered a rich pool of UCC pastor candidates. As we review each applicant, we’re tasked with finding just the right fit – a pastor who shares our spiritual views (including a love of Process Theology), is passionate about social- and environmental-justice causes, has a heart for the homeless, LBGTQ, and interfaith communities, and can provide rich pastoral care to our congregation.
Please link with us in prayer during this important process!