CUCC News for Sunday, August 12, 2018

News and Upcoming Events

  • Hymn Sing starting at 9:50am continues through Labor Day weekend, users choice!
  • Sunday August 12: Sunday Worship 10am. Bible reading: Numbers 22:12-35. Theme: Wrong Train!  The second talking animal in the bible, and a funny story that isn’t in the assigned lectionary.
  • Sunday August 12: Guest Musician: Armand Melnbārdis will play classical violin pieces.  Armand was born in Latvia and lives in Long Beach. He has performed violin and piano since the age of 12 in genres including classical, pop, metal, and jazz, solo and with a variety of well-known artists on recordings, stage, and TV.  If you want to experience heavy metal violin, search Armand on Facebook.
  • Wednesday August 15, 6:30 pm: Join your church friends for a Big Band Concert in the Park. At Brea City Hall Park, 401 S. Brea Blvd. Details at Sunday worship or contact Pastor Terry.
  • Friday August 17: YAYA’s Movie Night 5-10 pm—“The Greatest Showman.” Free dinner and childcare, costumes, trivia contests and more.  If you haven’t seen the movie, come find out why people love it. YAYA’s means Youth and Young Adults, and they take the lead but, everybody else is very welcome!
  • Monday August 27: Evening cardio and martial arts classes start! In Sequoia Hall; teens to elders are welcome.  Free to church members!
  • Choir starts again Thursday August 30; practice at 7:30pm. Beginners welcome!



  • Bible Study is Thursdays 9:15-10:15am in the church office. We may take days off in the summer; RSVP to Pastor Terry if you’re not a regular to be sure we’re meeting. All are welcome, to discover the intersection of sacred story and modern life with an open mind.
  • The BCUCC Theological Book Clubwill be reading, Falling Upward, by Richard Rohr.  In this book, Father Rohr offers a new paradigm for understanding one of the most profound of life’s mysteries, how our failings can be the foundation for our ongoing spiritual growth.  We will meet at 7:00p.m. on Wed. 8/15 to discuss Chapters 1-6 and again on 8/29 to discuss Chapters 7-13.  We gather at the home of the Hills; please call or email Jim and Karen for directions at 714-693-0261 or and join our conversation.

  • “Everyday Peacemaking” Compassionate Communication practice groups will continue on a monthly basis: Tuesday mornings 10-11:30am in the church office, 8/21 and 9/18. Tuesday evenings 7-8:30pm in the Hall, 8/28 and 9/25. Practice speaking your truth in love, and listening from the heart. No experience necessary.

Pastor Search Committee Update

The Pastor Search Committee met with Rev. Felix Villanueva from the Southern California Nevada Conference UCC on Sunday, August 5, 2018 after church.  Felix explained the challenges of a church in the transition of finding a permanent pastor.  Felix said that the most important thing for the Committee to do is to share information with the congregation.  So, if you do not find us communicating enough, please let us know.  The Committee has taken an absolute vow of confidentiality to protect the candidates.  We cannot tell you specifically who, what or where, but we can certainly tell you HOW we are going about the pastor search.

HOW long?

Felix has had a great deal of experience with this process.  Generally, the process from this point to the time when the Search Committee brings their chosen candidate to the congregation can be anywhere from six (6) to eighteen (18) months.  It may take longer.  The Committee has been given the tools to spread a big net and narrow down the field.

WHAT Next?

The church profile has been approved by the Southern California Nevada Conference UCC.  Now the Committee is preparing the short ad promoting the pastoral position for posting on the web.  If you know of someone you think might be interested in the position, feel free to tell them to contact the Conference at  Generally speaking, the candidate needs to be a pastor within UCC or DOC or willing to seek standing with the UCC.  Seminarians could also be considered.

WHAT can I do?

We ask that you pray for each of the committee members as we have a daunting task ahead of us.  Also, look for us on Sundays.  We will be wearing the “Ask Me” buttons.  Know that if we have not reported in a while it means we are behind the scenes working hard on the church’s behalf. But do not hesitate to ask any of the Committee for an update.  We welcome all inquiries that do not breach confidentiality.

A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.

– Albert Einstein


Creation Care Tip:  Reuse beats recycling.  Invest in those cute little reusables… or give them as gifts.  Bags, bamboo sporks, straws that fit in a purse, pocket or glove compartment.  Car cups that go with you to the coffee shop.  Ziploc bag alternatives.  Then let us know your favorites!